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Use of Heat Insulation on the Roof of the House
The definition of a dream home is not only measured by its appearance, interior or size. However, the residence must also be able to provide comfort for family members who live in it. Related to the issue of comfort, it is not far from maintaining the stability of the room temperature, especially when the dry season hits. It is undeniable that currently the air temperature feels very torturous during the day. In addition to the environment that tends to be less good at managing the heat of the sun, the modern lifestyle can also worsen the heating of the environmental temperature.
Therefore, a house as a place to live must be able to provide protection from the scorching sun. As is known, Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate with temperatures throughout the year averaging around 28 ° C-35 ° C. This temperature already feels hot, not to mention during the day during the dry season with air temperatures that can touch 35 ° C or more. For some people, in order to maintain comfort when the heat hits, it is enough to install air conditioning to create a cool nuance. However, there is actually one practical, fast, and economical way that can lower the temperature of the roof of the house, namely by installing heat dampers on the roof of the house.
Roof or room heat dampers or often known as heat insulation, are materials used to keep the room temperature stable so that we feel comfortable in the room. To get satisfactory results, of course, buying heat dampening products should not be done carelessly. Usually the agent who works on the roof will provide recommendations for aluminum foil or heat dampers that are suitable for your building needs.
Types of Heat Damping Materials
Well, here are 4 types of the best heat dampening materials that you can choose to keep your home cool. Of course, each type of material has different advantages.
1. Aluminum foil
Aluminum foil can withstand radiation from UV rays by reflecting it back. Therefore, the use of this material is very suitable for zinc-roofed houses.
The following are the advantages of aluminum foil:
a) Stronger, waterproof, and elastic 
b) Able to reflect back radiation up to 97%, so it is very effective for use as a roof heat damper. 
c) As well as a protector for the ceiling of the house. The ceiling of the house will not be easily damaged and dirty because it is covered with aluminum foil. 
d) More environmentally friendly. The safe and durable material makes aluminum foil not pollute the house and air. 
e) Practical. The uncomplicated installation process makes the job easier and faster to complete.
And don't worry about buying aluminum foil, it's very easy because it is widely sold on the market at quite varied prices. Now you can buy it through online stores too. You can choose aluminum foil that has good quality at the best price for your home.
2. Styrofoam Panel
Styrofoam is a plastic partition panel with a granular shape that is sealed and filled with air. We usually find Styrofoam in the form of food containers, electronic goods protectors or as glass goods. With the development of technology, Styrofoam has been transformed into the best heat-absorbing material. In addition to being used for roofs, it can also be used to coat ceramic or marble floors. The costs you have to spend are quite economical, both to buy the panels and for the installation costs because they are easy and practical. Styrofoam criteria such as size and thickness vary widely. You can adjust it according to your needs.
3. Polyester
Polyester has many types. Some are used to make clothing materials, beverage bottles, or others. Polyester used as the best heat-absorbing material is Polyester type R3.5 which has high effectiveness in absorbing heat. This type is usually widely used in public facility buildings.
The material is lightweight and more environmentally friendly, making this roof heat absorber widely chosen even though the price is more expensive compared to other materials. Make sure that you buy the right product that does not irritate the skin because of its chemicals. It can also be used to coat walls and floors.
4. Polyurethane Foam
This foam is not ordinary foam, but a polyurethane liquid that is shaped like a slightly dense foam that functions to retain heat. Modern insulation that is useful in all seasons. This best heat-absorbing material is suitable for all types of roofs, be it zinc, concrete, wood, asbestos, tiles, metal, etc. How to use it is also very easy. Just spray it evenly over the entire outer layer of the roof.
The advantages, in addition to being insulation, are also not easily faded when exposed to water, very light, do not require maintenance, are multifunctional, and can cover all roof gaps. when the rainy season comes, you don't need to worry about being cold in the house because Polyurethane Foam will warm the room temperature and will cool the room temperature during the dry season or when it is hot.


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