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How to Clean Your House in a Short Time
How do you change the atmosphere of your home to be more attractive and comfortable in 3 hours? It's not a magic trick and doesn't cost much. You just need motivation and concentration to do it. Let's get ready for the battlefield against dust and dirt.
1. Preparation for cleaning the house (10 minutes)
Turn on the radio or play your favorite music to get more enthusiastic about cleaning. Put on clothes for home, then prepare a vacuum cleaner, duster, broom and wet cloth. Move all the objects on the floor to the table. Long mosquito nets that hang down to the floor should be tied upwards.
2. Put everything back in place (35 minutes)
Keep all small objects (pens, hair clips, etc.) and large objects (clothing, furniture, etc.) in their place. Sort out things you haven't used in a while. Don't hesitate to throw it away and don't think you'll need it someday.
3. Clean the family room (30 minutes)
This is where the residents of the house chat with their guests. So try to make this room always look clean. Don't forget to clean the floor under tables or chairs, as well as between furniture. Clean the sofa thoroughly according to its material. If the sofa is upholstered, clean it by fumigating it. Use a special cream for leather sofas to make them look shiny. Roll up the carpet and clean the floor underneath. Carpets also need to be washed. If you are too lazy to wash it, you can take it to the laundry.
4. 'Fight' in the kitchen
The kitchen is the battlefield where the most formidable enemies hide. Who's he? Stubborn oil stains. Prepare a special cleaner for oil stains and rubber gloves. You can also use natural, environmentally friendly cleaners to remove light stains, namely a solution of baking soda and vinegar or lemon.
5. Establish peace in the bedroom (30 minutes)
The bedroom is a place where the body and mind find peace. Therefore, this room should not be dirty. Clean dust stuck to tables, window frames and other furniture with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner. Change the sheets and wash the blankets. When your bedroom looks like new, light an aromatherapy candle to help you calm down.
6. Bathroom without water (20 minutes)
Use a special bathroom cleaner to remove moss from the bathtub and floor. Clean glasses and mirrors so you can look at yourself in them. One way to keep moss out of your bathroom is to drain it of water when not in use.
7. Don't forget the park (10 minutes)
Don't forget to clean the front or back garden. Sweep dry fallen leaves using a broom stick. Mop the floor on the veranda and clear the walkway of moss.
8. Celebrate wins
The war against dust and dirt is over. Check all the rooms to confirm your 'win'. If everything is in order, spray the room with freshener or light aromatherapy candles. Decorating the living room with fresh flowers is a brilliant idea.


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