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Signs You Need to Replace Your Roof
The roof of a house has a very important function in a building. A sturdy roof can protect you from the hot sun, heavy rain, and other extreme weather phenomena or conditions. However, just like other parts of buildings in general, the roof of a house also ages and becomes less durable over time. You should be able to know when is the right time to replace the roof of your house. When you leave your roof weak and don't replace it, it puts your security at home at risk. Here are 6 signs you need to replace your roof:
1. 30 years old
Clay roofs usually have a fairly long lifespan, namely around 20 to 30 years. This roof is considered durable and can also prevent hot sunlight from entering your home. Meanwhile, roofs made from asbestos have a relatively shorter lifespan, only ranging from 4 to 5 years. In general roofs are also very dependent on local weather conditions, roofs can last a little longer in colder areas than roofs in hotter climates. If the roof has reached its usable limit, you need to immediately replace it with a new roof.
2. Check and repair the roof gradually
To find out what condition the roof of your house is in, what you need to do is check the roof of the house. You can check one by one and find parts of the roof that are starting to get damaged, have holes or leaks, are broken and are also brittle. If you find this, immediately replace it with a new roof. This method is also considered very efficient so that the roof replacement is not carried out completely, thereby saving your costs. Apart from that, during your activities you also need to check every room that has a leak. It could be that the leak is caused by a damaged and problematic roof or tile.
3. Mossy roof
One sign that a roof needs to be replaced is moss sticking to the roof of your house. A mossy roof means it is experiencing moisture, which indicates that the roof of the house is fragile. Because it is fragile, a damp roof is at risk of leaks. Immediately replace any roofs that are mossy and unfit for use. This is also to ensure that a roof that is still in good condition is not affected by a bad roof condition.
4. Roof fading and sagging
A house roof that fades due to exposure to the sun and other natural factors is a sign that the roof of your house is old. This fading is also usually accompanied by parts of the roof that have begun to sag in structure. If this happens, act quickly, call a professional worker and repair the roof of your house by replacing it with a new one. Even though it doesn't seem too dangerous, the risk continues to increase from day to day.
5. Rising air conditioning costs at home
One surefire way to know that your roof isn't working as well as it should without having to have it checked is to monitor your energy bills. If you feel like it's costing more and more to heat or cool your home, the roof is most likely the cause. As it deteriorates, it becomes less efficient as an insulator, letting warm air escape in winter. As a result, your AC system needs to work extra to compensate for the air coming out.
6. Leaking
Leaks are a sign that your roof has a problem. You can fix a leaky roof by patching it but that is not a solution. It is best to replace it with a new roof, to prevent house leaks completely.


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