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Get to know various roof accessories
The function of the roof now also plays a big role in the aesthetics of a house and not only protects the house from the weather. To meet these needs, of course, accessories other than roof tiles are needed, for example the roof requires gutters, gutters and tiles so that it has a neat appearance.
During the rainy season, roofs usually experience problems with the roof or gutters, causing water to seep into the inside of the house. If this is allowed to continue, it will damage the ceiling of your house. The existence of this accessory is used to solve several of these problems.
The placement of gutters at the junction between roof tiles, for example, is often done carelessly. The roof tiles that are installed do not form a straight line or there are still gaps in the roof tiles that are not symmetrical. The cause is that the workmanship is not done carefully so that the roof details will look messy. This can be overcome by using thin gutters and avoiding rainwater seepage.
Meanwhile, the roof tiles at the top are combined with roof accessories in the form of wuwungan or nok. The material is made from the same material as the roof tiles and the color matches the color of the roof tiles. There are semicircular and triangular shapes
Meanwhile, what is called alping tile functions to overcome leaks caused by cracked carpus areas. Place this laping tile under the wuwungan and replace the shape of the high rooftop.
Meanwhile, another accessory that is often used is the wuwungan decoration which is installed at the ends of the roof. Of course, each region has its own characteristics and character. Usually traditional roofs use this decoration, although there are also modern roofs that use it. This wuwungan decoration is usually to add to your aesthetic value.
When you first design your house, of course you have planned what kind of roof accessories you want to add to the aesthetics of the house as well as its function to protect the house from leaks. You can consult with a roofing architect that suits your home design.


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