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Pros and Cons Regarding Metal Roof Tiles
There are some fears about using metal roof tiles, among other things because the sound produced when exposed to rain is noisy. The following is an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles for consideration before buying metal tiles for the roof of your house.
Advantages of Metal Roof Tiles
1. High durability
With proper installation, metal roof tiles can last a very long time – the entire life of your home – even if they are hit by strong winds or continuous heavy rain. Because metal roof tiles are made from zincalume, they are resistant to insects and fungi.
2. Fireproof
The basic nature of metal roof tiles is non-combustible (does not increase fire), so metal roof tiles are classified in class A in terms of fire resistance.
3. Lightweight
Metal roof tiles have a very light weight, namely around 25-75 kg per m2, while ceramic roof tiles weigh approximately 375 kg per m2. With a very light weight, metal roof installation work can be done quickly and easily, and labor costs can be reduced. Metal roof tiles, when combined with a lightweight steel roof frame, will produce a very sturdy roof structure.
4. Leak-proof and drains rain well
Metal roof tiles are designed to be leak-proof, even if very heavy rain hits them. The surface is very hard and slippery and can drain rainwater well.
5. Good heat insulation
Metal materials can reflect solar heat radiation and minimize the entry of heat into the house well. This means that metal roof tiles have a big influence on energy efficiency, where air conditioning use can be reduced.
Some of these advantages really tempt consumers to buy it. However, there is no ivory that is not cracked. Metal roof tiles have a few drawbacks that prospective users should be aware of so they can anticipate them well in the future.
Disadvantages of Metal Roof Tiles
1. Cost
In some areas in Indonesia, the price of lightweight steel roof tiles can be more expensive than other roof tiles. This happens because of production and distribution factors in each region. Some people who have a limited budget will think twice before choosing metal roof tiles. However, you need to remember that buying a metal roof is the same as making a long investment in your home.
It may only be expensive at first, but it could be that you won't need to replace your roof tiles for the next 20 years. Economical, right?
2. Noisy
Many people's concern about metal roofs is that they make noise when exposed to rain. This is true. But this is not a big problem. You can use an acoustic ceiling, or you can also add sound insulation material between the tiles and trusses.
3. You need to be careful when carrying out maintenance on the roof
There are times when you are forced to climb onto a roof tile to repair a TV antenna or check the condition of the gutter, so be careful when setting foot on a metal roof tile because it is very light in weight. As with the previous points, this drawback is not a big deal. After all, you wouldn't be walking on a roof often, would you?
4. Danger of lightning, really?
Some people think that metal roofs can attract lightning. Is it true? There is a lot of documentation that shows that lightning strikes trees or other objects higher than the house, but does not strike houses with roof tiles.

So this is just a worry. However, to be careful, you should use lightning protection on the roof of your house. After understanding the facts about the advantages and disadvantages of metal roofs, you will have sufficient information before buying metal roof roofs for your home.
Of course, it would be better if you also consulted with a light steel roof tile expert or light steel applicator who can guide you in getting the best quality metal roof tile products. Hope it is useful!


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