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Get to know the source of the problem and solution
Roof tiles/tiles are one of the vital frames of the roof of your house. If the process of installing or constructing the roof of the house goes wrong from the start, then be prepared for various problems that will arise later. You can usually only find out about problems with roof tiles after it rains. If the installation and selection of tiles is not correct, be prepared for the leakage problems that this will cause. If there is a leak, don't be surprised if the furniture in your house will quickly become damaged. For this reason, identify the causes and solutions to the following critical problems:
Wrong Design
Did you know that the ideal slope for a house roof is with an angle of between 30 and 40 degrees? This slope is the ideal level so that water can flow smoothly downwards without entering through small gaps in the roof of your house. If the roof of your house is designed with a slope below or above the standard, then be prepared to bear the risk. A roof slope that is not ideal will ultimately result in the roof of the house dropping so that when rainwater falls, the water will enter through small gaps in the roof of the house or what is called a leak. So what is the solution if your roof is already finished with a slope that is not ideal?
Steps you can take are to add protection in the form of aluminum foil, thick plastic or carpet which you have to install right under the roof tiles and on top of the battens. This is only a temporary solution. For a long-term solution, you can carry out renovations by changing the slope angle according to ideal conditions. Don't forget to choose a type of roof that is leak-proof against water too.
Careless Installation of Roof Tiles
Make sure your roof tile installer is an expert, not an amateur who is just starting out. This is so that your house roof tiles can be installed neatly and perfectly. Because if you install the roof tiles incorrectly, it will create a cavity in the roof tile, so that rainwater can sneak in through the cavity and ultimately cause a leak.
It's not just careless installation of tiles that can cause cavities in the roof of the house. Factors due to strong winds or the movement of animals such as cats can cause the precarious position to change. The best solution that you can do is to straighten or rearrange the tiles into the correct position, so that there are no more voids in the roof of your house.
Similar tiles are no longer sold on the market
To save costs, usually most people will replace their roof tiles with the same type. Old roof tiles that are still good can be used in combination with the use of new tiles similar to those that have just been purchased. But what happens if this type of tile is no longer sold on the market? The solution is that you can get around this by replacing the required roof tiles with fiber gauze material the size of the tile area. Then just smear it with the existing waterproofing.
So, now you can solve the leak problem in your home, right? Hopefully it won't leak again!


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