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Easy Ways to Repair a Damaged Roof

Repairing damage to the house is actually not that difficult. This can be done by paying attention to the small things that cause leaks. Many people are often dizzy with the intensity of too many leaks. Especially if the intensity of the rain is very long and almost every day. So it requires patience in fixing it.
Damage to the roof of a house can occur due to several things, such as the wind blowing too fast so that the tile shifts from its original place, then objects that can damage the roof fall on the roof of the house, such as fruit falling from trees around the house, or other objects.
Therefore, you must check regularly. If you have a shady tree that is close to the roof of your house, then it's best to trim it right away so that the branches don't dangle close to the roof of your house. For more detailed tips, please refer to the following tips:
Immediately Fix a Roof That Looks Fragile
A roof that already looks fragile has a great chance of triggering a leak. This happens because the roof is starting to become brittle, so that water seeps very easily and eventually leaks. If you are already aware that there is fragility on the roof of your house, then you should not delay repairing it because the chances of a leak will be even greater.
Apply a Waterproof System on the Roof
A roof that uses a waterproof system certainly has the advantage of reducing the risk of leaks. Waterproof roof consists of various types, colors and variations. You can choose according to your comfort and can also adjust to the budget you have. When you decide to choose a waterproof roof, then you have to consider the correct and proper installation process. If the installation is careless it will be the same as experiencing a leak. Because, just a little gap can cause leaks on the roof. So the installation needs to be done carefully and carefully.
Install Plastic Under the Roof
Before installing the roof, it's a good idea to use plastic sheeting first. After the roof truss is attached, then attach the plastic then proceed with the roof. This method is usually mostly done by houses in rural areas with wide roofs. In contrast to urban areas, the areas are already very dense, and of course the risk of leakage is still very low. But if you want to make sure your house is free from leaks, then you can apply this method to your home.
Resetting the Roof Slope Angle
It turns out that the slope angle of the roof has a very big contribution in terms of leaks. Roof installation should have an appropriate roof slope because one of the house leaks is caused by a roof that is too sloping. If you use a tiled roof, it is not recommended to design a house with a sloping roof, because sloping roofs are only suitable for houses made of cast. By using a cast roof, you also need to be coated with waterproof so that water does not seep and prevent leaks.
Cut the Tree Close to the Roof of the House
One way to reduce the risk of roof leaks is not to plant trees too close to the house. This is because when a tree grows big and has dense fruit over time it will have the potential to damage the roof of the house. The part of the branch that grows hangs down to the roof of the house and when it is blown by the wind it will move around, so indirectly it will make the roof shift to where everything is, so that it can trigger a leak. Then if the tree bears fruit, of course there is a risk that the fruit will fall on the roof of the house and if this happens it will crack and even the roof will break.
Those are some tips to avoid damage to the roof of your house. Hopefully the tips above can be useful for you. If you are having trouble with a house leak, we are ready to help you. If the roof of your house has a leak, contact us immediately so we can fix it immediately. Hope it is useful.


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