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Ideal House Roof Height According to Standards
Planning to build or renovate a house in the near future? Previously, there were building elements that you needed to pay close attention to. This element is the roof that will be used to protect the house. In addition to choosing the material, you must also consider the ideal roof height according to the shape and style of the house. The ideal roof height is not only beneficial in terms of aesthetics, but also the comfort that will be felt by the occupants. Because a roof with the right height will make air circulation in the house better. Therefore, Rainbow will share how to determine the ideal roof height based on several aspects.
Ideal House Roof Height
1. Roof Height Standard Based on Climate
Roof height for tropical areas such as Indonesia is in the range of 3-4 meters. With this size, air circulation can run smoothly. Hot air during the day can be suppressed even without a two pk room air conditioner. Meanwhile, low roofs are suitable for houses built in cold climates because they can retain heat longer.
2. Roof Height Size Based on Space Function
In addition to climate, determining the ideal roof height must pay attention to the function of space. For example, there is a room that functions for joint activities such as the family room and living room. Then, there is a room that is used for private activities such as rooms. Rooms that are used for joint activities should be designed with a roof that is at least 3 meters high. The goal is that the air supply is not limited and the room seems more spacious. Meanwhile, for private rooms can be designed with a lower roof, approximately 2.5 meters.
3. Roof Height Based on Building Structure
Each house is built with a different building structure. This building structure will affect the ideal roof height. The height of a terraced house is certainly not the same as a one-story house. The higher the roof that is made, the more steps in the house, the building structure must be stronger. Ideally, each floor has a maximum roof size of 3 meters for terraced houses.
4. Proportional Roof Height
Furthermore, the height of the roof of the house must be made as proportional as possible. You can use the following formula to determine the ideal roof height. Roof height = ½ x (room length + room width) For example, you have a room with a length of 3 meters and a width of 4 meters. So, how to find out the ideal roof height as follows:
Roof height = ½ x (room length + room width)
Roof height = ½ x (3 + 4) = 3.5 m
The measurements obtained from the house above cannot be applied immediately. There are other aspects to consider, for example the slope of the roof that will occur if you use that height. Ideally the slope of the roof is in the range of 30-60 degrees.
5. High Roof For Lighting
Finally, the height of the roof of the house greatly affects lighting. The higher the roof, the more lighting is needed. Conversely, the lower the roof, the less lighting is needed. If you want varied lighting, for example combining natural and artificial lighting, then a high roof is the ideal choice. However, if you prefer artificial lighting with a few light spots, a low roof is a wise choice.
So, that's how to determine the ideal roof height based on several conditions. You can also read other articles about roofing on the website www.materialdinding.com


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