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Tips for Overcoming Hot and Hot Homes
The following methods for dealing with hot houses are very effective for designing new homes or applying them to existing homes. This is a surefire solution so that your home is not hot and stifling. No one likes living in a hot house, especially with global warming which is causing temperatures in cities to be above normal. A comfortable home is everyone's dream and one of the comfort factors is temperature. A hot house is certainly not comfortable to live in. People will switch to using AC, which of course costs a lot.
But it turns out there are several ways to reduce heat in the house through the right design. Here are some things that can be done:
1. Use Cross Ventilation
How to deal with the first hot house Ventilation makes air flow in the building. It is advisable to use cross ventilation to allow air to flow through the building. If necessary, add ventilation to the roof because hot air moves up so that it can be removed more quickly from the building. The natural way is to provide cross ventilation. Position the window openings as shown in the picture above so that the circulation of the room can run well. A one-sided vent won't provide as good airflow as a cross-vent, but make sure it's in an ideal position (as shown) so it doesn't catch a cold.
2. Making Heat Insulation
How to deal with a hot house What needs to be done is to put a boundary or insulation on the parts of the house that are directly exposed to the sun's heat, in this case the most important thing is the roof. This insulation can be made with aluminum foil that is installed under the tile or also provides a ceiling in the room or do both methods for better results. In the part of the house that is exposed to the sun's heat, it will absorb heat and then reflect some of it and pass the other half down. So that with a layer of aluminum foil or ceiling it can hold the heat so it doesn't go down to the room we live in. This is the reason why the attic of the house is usually very hot during the day, especially for users of lightweight steel roofs.
3. The ceiling is made higher
The height of the ceiling gives distance to the occupants, here there is also a temperature adjustment so that the higher the ceiling the better. That's why many designers make exposed roofs to increase the distance with residents. The closer the roof is to the floor, the faster the sun's heat hits the floor and warms the room. The way to deal with a hot house is to make high ceilings and make lots of ventilation in the house. The ceiling can be raised up to 3.5 meters from the floor so there is enough space and distance to neutralize heat.
4. Building Orientation to the Sun
The next way to deal with a hot house is that the spatial arrangement should be adjusted to the direction of irradiation. It's a good idea to open windows to the north or south so the room isn't too exposed to the sun. If you are forced to place a window in an east or west position, try to use curtains, shading or blinds to block the sun's rays.
5. Reducing the Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect means when heat can enter easily but cannot leave the house, aka it is trapped inside the house. This happens if the house uses many large and closed windows without curtains to dissipate heat. The way to deal with a hot house is by using curtains to prevent the sun's heat from entering the building. Even though it's not direct sunlight, the reflected sunlight onto the outside floor can enter through the window.
6. Better Triangle Roof Shape
The shape of a flat roof often looks more modern and futuristic, but has a deficiency in managing heat so it needs to be made higher. If you look at it, the triangular roof is the most appropriate to be applied in Indonesia because it is the best in dealing with the sun's heat.
7. House Exterior Materials
Materials especially covering the roof and walls also need attention. For example, zinc roofing material will transmit heat faster than concrete, which can dissipate heat. There are also ceramic tiles which have the ability to reflect heat so that absorption is less.
8. House Color Choices
In simple terms light colors reflect heat and dark colors absorb heat, so it's obvious which color is better. But that doesn't mean you have to use bright colors in all parts. Sometimes everyone's tastes are different so this can be discussed with the designer. While white is the best color to reflect all the sun's heat, white does not absorb heat, black on the other hand absorbs heat very well.
9. Add Garden and Vegetation
The next way to deal with a hot house is to place plants in the house which can be good heat sinks during the day. The Green Design concept can be applied here to get the best ventilation from plants. A greener atmosphere will make the house feel more natural and cooler.
10. Use the Water Element at Home
One way to overcome a hot house that can be done is to add a pool. Either a fish pond or a swimming pool, if the placement is appropriate, it can make the room cooler. Water does not change its temperature easily, so when the air in the room is hot there will be a flow of air from the pool to the room and makes the room cooler.
Those are the tips, if anyone has other ideas, please add them in the comments column.


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