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Choosing a Metal Roof for the Long Term
Tile as a covering material or roof of a house has a very vital role. Apart from being a cover, the roof or tile also functions as a protector from extreme weather so that the occupants feel safer and more comfortable. Now, along with the development of the world of architecture, roof tiles are not just a mere protector of a house. The role of tile also shifts to a wider direction depending on the concept of building a house.
Adjustment to the model of the house to be built greatly affects the color and type of tile. Because adjustments to house buildings and choosing the right tile can add aesthetic value to a dwelling. Not only that, tile selection cannot be done arbitrarily. Because it will affect the period of use of the tile itself.
Determining roofing material is the same as choosing other building materials because it relates to the safety and comfort of the occupants of the house. The right roof for the property will be a high investment value. In this case it can be a residential house, rented house, rented house or place of business such as a shophouse.
Here are tips on determining the right roof for long-term investment.
1. Material and Thickness
The selected product should be based on the thickness of the core steel. Make sure the metal roof, metal tile, and mild steel are selected according to the SNI (Indonesian National Standard) recommendations.
2. Weather Resistant
Choosing a tile must pay attention to the rust protection layer, so that it can provide security to the property. The quality of the roof tiles must have passed a rust resistance test with a guarantee of durability for 10 years. The product's resistance test is carried out by cross-scratching the surface of the plate, then spraying salt mist continuously for 1,000 hours.
3. Aesthetics
In addition to paying attention to the durability and thickness of the tile, the right color must also be considered. Because the right color is the main attraction and adds to the aesthetics of the dream property.
4. Quick and Precise Installation of Mild Steel
By using light steel, roof tile installation can be done quickly by reliable light steel craftsmen thereby providing time efficiency. Because the installation only takes 3-4 working days. Fortunately using this mild steel can save costs when renovating, minimalist maintenance, as well as the material's strength and resistance to fire. By using the services of a competent light steel craftsman, you don't need to worry about installing the distance formula for light steel trusses, light steel roof trusses, metal roof tiles, light steel canopies, to metal walls.
5. Quality and Quality Meet Standards
Before buying, make sure the product has an Indonesian National Standard (SNI) certificate for consumer protection. Rainbow Roof guarantees the quality and quality of its products with certificates on coated steel:
These are tips that can be recommendations for building a dream property with a roof that is sturdy and durable. The use of mild steel as a roof frame is highly recommended so that metal tiles can be installed firmly and for the long term.


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