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Sundries of Spandek Roofs for Residential
The main element in a dwelling is a roof, some are made of clay or alderon roofs. In recent years, the use of spandex roofing material has become quite popular as a substitute for clay tile roofs which have been used for a long time. Spandex roof is a type of roof made from a mixture of aluminum and zinc. The ratio composition used to make the spandex roof is 55% aluminum and 43% zinc. The rest use materials from silicon. From a mixture of these materials, a spandex roof is created which has the properties of being sturdy, durable, lightweight and easy to shape. Looks like a dream roofing material, doesn't it? But there are some drawbacks to the spandek roof itself. To get to know it more deeply, let's better find out its advantages and disadvantages!
Easy Application
The first advantage of a spandex roof is that it is easy to install. It didn't take long to cover the entire top of the house with an uncomplicated frame structure. The parts on the spandex roof are easy to apply. If there is a large enough wind, spandek roofs tend to be safer than using tiles or other types of roofs because spandex roofs can reduce the risk of the roof collapsing.
The average thickness of a spandex roof is around 0.3 mm to 0.5 mm. it is classified as quite thin, but that does not mean this roof is easily destroyed. Spandex roofs remain sturdy and strong because they are made of quality chemicals. Spandex roofs have anti-shatter, anti-cracking properties and of course they eradicate or are anti-termites and insects.
Many Color Choices
The spandek roof surface can be more easily painted with the color combination you want than any other type of roof. Even though the spandek roof actually already has a striking basic color that has been produced by the manufacturer from the factory.
Has Good Durability and Long Lasting
Spandex roofs can be said to be one of the roofing design materials which have long durability and can be used in the long term. This roof can last up to 20 years. This is because the right composition mix with the basic ingredients of aluminum and zinc which can make it durable and sturdy even though it takes time. Apart from the various advantages that the spandex roof has, there are also disadvantages to it. These deficiencies include the following.
High Absorbency
Spandex roof is a roof that has a high absorption of sunlight. The space it covers will also feel a little hotter than the type of roof such as clay tile. Spandex roof when viewed from the base material that forms it is a good heat conductor. Spandex roofs are not a way to deal with house heat, therefore many spandex roofs are used in factories and buildings as well as houses in the highlands.
Noisy When It Rains
This roof, which tends to be thin, is not good soundproofing. When heavy rains hit, this spandek roof can cause noise which reduces the feeling of comfort in the dwelling. Apart from being thin, light is also a factor that causes this spandex roof to have a much higher noise level than other types of roofs.


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