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3 Galvalume Roof Designs For Minimalist Homes
It turns out that the galvalume roof design has many types. In addition, this roof option is suitable to be installed in a minimalist home. A number of choices of this galvalume roof design can certainly be your choice when your minimalist home wants to look different.
Here are some galvalume roof designs for minimalist homes, namely:
1. Gable - The design of the gable roof is among the simplest. Its application is quite frequent in Indonesia. The model is actually also more flexible for today's home forms. The use of this design is often for small houses such as residential areas. The advantage of this gable roof is that it can be formed from galvalume material.
2. Trapezoidal Roof Design - This trapezoidal galvalume roof is an option for modern homes. The shape of this roof will look luxurious and elegant. That's because it has a unique trapezoidal shape. One roof that is small in size as a 'housekeeper' and is at the front. While the large roof is at the back.
3. Minimalist Roof Design - The use of galvalume roofs is currently increasingly popular. Most of its use is for today's home models. This minimalist roof design consists of two forms, on the front with a triangular shape. While on the other side carries a slanted design.


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