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The Uniqueness of the Selaso Traditional House of
The people of the Riau Archipelago have a unique traditional house called selaso fallen twins. The traditional house has a style and characteristic of Malay culture. Like most traditional houses in Indonesia, the traditional house of selaso falls twins is designed according to the upheld values, habits, and needs of the local community. Therefore, every traditional house in the country has different shapes and characteristics. According to the e-module "Together Despite Diversity" this has become the wealth of our nation.
The Uniqueness of the Selaso Traditional House of Twin Falls
Launching the Cultural Service of the Riau Islands Province, the twin selaso falls is a house that has two hallways whose floors are lower than the living room. The word "selaso/salaso falls" itself refers to the hallway that surrounds traditional houses which generally have lower floors. The twin falling selaso house is a type of rectangular house on stilts that stands on pillars. In accordance with the beliefs of the local community, these traditional houses are generally built facing the river.
Because it is a house on stilts, access to enter the selaso-twin house requires using stairs. According to Kiki Ratnaning Arimbi, the stairs at the selaso traditional house have an odd number of steps. The roof of the selaso traditional house falls, twins towering upwards. The top of the roof is generally decorated with wooden ornaments sticking out called tunjuk Langit. This decoration is made as an acknowledgment of God Almighty. Considering that the people of the Riau Archipelago are mostly Malay, the selaso-twin house has a thick Malay style. These patterns are found in various corners of the house, including the roof to the walls.
Generally, the Malay patterns used are in the form of flora, fauna, and celestial objects. In the past, when the Malay people of the Riau Archipelago still adhered to Hindu-Buddhist patterns, the fauna was still often used in the selaso-twin house. The animal patterns used include ants and bees which are considered to have exemplary characteristics. For the Malays of the Riau Archipelago, ants have the nature of living in harmony and like to help. Meanwhile, bees have the nature of always eating clean and producing honey for the benefit of others. However, after the community embraced Islam, faunal patterns began to be abandoned because they were considered to be related to elements of idols. Therefore, currently the patterns on the selaso house fall more in geometric and calligraphic forms.
Functions of the Selaso Traditional House of Twin Falls
The selaso traditional house, which is currently standing, is used as a multipurpose building. Some of them are used as a place to hold traditional ceremonies, a place for deliberation, to a place to carry out cultural performances. However, in ancient times, the selaso-twin house was more used as a place to live and support the activities of the Malay community in the Riau Archipelago. The specific function of the house is found under the house. According to Arimbi, there are five functions under the selaso traditional house, namely:
- a place for cattle pens;
- a place of craftsmanship;
- as a log warehouse;
- a place to store boats;
- children's play area.


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