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Want to use a lightweight steel roof truss?
The roof is an important element that serves to protect the inside of the building, including the occupants in it. The types of roof truss construction materials also vary. Starting from wood, steel, and mild steel. Wooden roof truss construction is a type that is quite popularly used in Indonesia. But lately, it's increasingly difficult to get quality wood. On the other hand, wood with standard quality also has a fairly expensive price.
Meanwhile, technological advances have made the construction and building materials industries undergo adjustments. Many new building materials are then used more efficiently. One of them is mild steel. So do not be surprised, the selection of lightweight steel roof truss today is widely used as a substitute for wood roof truss. Before discussing further about the advantages and disadvantages of using lightweight steel roof trusses, we will explain the four main functions of the roof in buildings.
The main functions of the roof on the building are as follows:
1. As a protector from direct sunlight so that it can keep the room cool
2. As a protection for the entry of rainwater into the room
3. As a barrier to wind pressure that moves horizontally, and
4. As the recipient of the load of the building structure
How to know the quality of mild steel?
The quality of a mild steel can be seen from the size of its tensile stress. In the previous explanation it has been mentioned that the tensile stress of mild steel is 550 MPa. For that, choose mild steel that has a tensile stress of 550 Mpa so that it is sturdy in supporting various types of roof coverings or tiles, as well as against extreme weather.
The thing that is no less important is the warranty support. Make sure the mild steel you buy does not only have an installation warranty. But also wear resistance which states that the resistance of mild steel has gone through a trial process according to the standard tensile stress value.
So, is the use of a mild steel frame the right decision? Structurally and aesthetically, wood material is certainly better than mild steel. However, the availability of quality wood materials is increasingly scarce and expensive. For this reason, using mild steel can be an alternative in designing the roof truss of the building. This is also a form of concern for the environment due to rampant illegal logging so that the use of wood materials is starting to decrease. Time efficiency in the installation process is also a consideration that you can pay attention to.


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