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Types of tile solutions for leaking roofs
The rainy season is a blessing for us and also a test for our homes. Especially for areas with high rainfall, leaky roofs can accompany our daily lives. Why does the roof of our house often leak? This could be because we chose the wrong tile for the roof of the house.
The choice of tile as the roof of the house also affects the resilience of the house itself. Before choosing and buying tile, below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the best types of tile materials that you can use as a treasure trove of insight.
Ceramic Tile
Although it is made of ceramic, this type of tile is actually made of clay. What distinguishes it is the final process, namely the addition of a layer of glaze dye.
- Durable
- Strong to withstand human weight
- The combustion process with a temperature of 1100 degrees makes the color last longer
- Must be installed carefully to avoid leakage
- The slope must be at least 30 degrees for the water to flow perfectly
- Need bolts to make the installation stronger
Metal Tile or Metal Tile
The shape of this precarious one resembles a sheet similar to zinc. The installation method must also be planted on the roof truss curtain beam with screws.
- Easy and fast installation
- Save material because of its wide size
- Coated with anti-rust material
- Made of shatter-resistant material that makes it safe from leakage
- No need to repaint too often because the material is anti-moss
- The disadvantage of this type of tile is that it looks unattractive if it is installed carelessly or not neatly.
Clay Tile
This one tile is quite commonly used on the roofs of Indonesians. The installation must be done on a sloping roof by applying an inter-locking system.
- The price is economical
- Light weight
- The material is strong enough to be stepped on to facilitate the process of fixing a leaking tile
- Requires more accuracy when installed so as not to leak
- Vulnerable to mildew and mildew so must be coated with paint or glaze
- Installation of the zig-zag pattern of the inlock connection system is quite a hassle
Concrete Tile
Ordinary concrete roof tiles are usually molded in the same shape as clay tiles. Usually, these tiles are often used in minimalist-themed homes.
- Many models to choose from, from wavy to flat models
- Quality and durability tested
- Weather, attack and fire resistance
- The weight is quite heavy
- The price is more expensive than clay tiles

Asphalt Tile
This tile is made from a mixture of asphalt and other chemicals.
- Lighter than metal and ceramic roofs
- Resistant to fire and strong wind
- Already coated anti-mildew and anti-fading
- Has a display that can make the house look more beautiful
- Requires a strong frame to support the load
- The price is quite expensive
After you know the various weaknesses and shortcomings of various kinds of tiles, of course you will be more confident going through this rainy season.


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