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Advantages of Sandy Metal Tile
Sandy metal tile is a type of metal tile that is coated with a layer of sand and the material for making it is galvanized.
Sandy Metal Tile with All Its Advantages
Sandy metal roof tiles have recently become increasingly popular, especially in urban areas. This tile can be used as a roof for all kinds of buildings ranging from residential houses, schools, warehouses, offices, health centers and so on. Even in Kalimantan, the average building there uses metal roof tiles and sandy metal roof tiles.
However, because in Indonesia the most popular type is clay tile, so many people still doubt this type of tile. Don't know it, don't love it, if you don't know what are the advantages of sandy metal roof tiles then it's certainly not fair. Well, here are the advantages of sandy metal roof tiles:
1. The durability is higher.
Metal roof tiles or sandy metal roof tiles have a fairly high durability. Because it is made of metal or metal, this tile automatically has several advantages in terms of durability: anti-weathering, anti-shattering, anti-mildew and, of course, anti-termite. With these characteristics, it is not surprising that sandy metal roof tiles can be used for decades.
2. Light weight.
Because it is in the form of a sheet, automatically the weight of the sandy metal tile is lighter. The average weight of the sandy metal roof tile with an area of ??1 square meter, its weight is approximately 7 kg. Try to compare it with the type of concrete tile which weighs 60 kg for the same area count.
3. Suitable for earthquake prone areas.
The sandy metal tile in the form of a sheet with a special installation makes this tile more unified and resistant to shock, so this sandy metal tile is suitable for use as a roof for houses in earthquake-prone areas.
4. Can be supported by a simple frame.
Because the weight of sandy metal roof tiles tends to be lighter, this makes it not require a roof truss with a complicated structure. It can even be supported by a simple roof truss, such as mild steel or wood. In contrast to concrete tiles, which need a roof frame that is quite complicated to make it well supported.
5. The installation is easy and fast.
Metal roof tiles have been designed in such a way by the manufacturer to make installation easier and faster. Sandy metal tile in the form of a sheet, only needs to be spread and then screwed on, the tile is ready to be used as a roof.
6. Many attractive color choices.
Sandy metal tile has several attractive color choices, this is what makes this tile gaining popularity. Compare it with clay or asbestos tiles whose colors are monotonous.
7. Not noisy.
Because of the layer of sand owned by this type of tile, the layer of sand can be used as a soundproofing material. If the installation of tiles and ceilings is correct, then the combination of the two can better withstand or muffle sounds from outside.
8. Anti-rust.
Sand metal roof tiles are specially coated with sand. This makes it more resistant to rust and corrosion. This is reinforced by a layer of paint that covers the entire area of ??the tile.
Although the advantages of sandy metal roof tiles are quite a lot, you need to remember that this type of tile is much more expensive than other types of roof tiles. But no matter how expensive it is, if the quality is good then it's certainly not a problem, isn't it.
So, for those of you who are currently looking for sandy metal roof tiles, please contact Rainbow now.


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