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Tips for Building a House to Be Earthquake Resista
What is the right way to make your house more earthquake resistant? Now in this video, Rainbow will provide tips that can be applied when building a house. Let's just take a look!
1. Pay Attention to Soil Quality
Flat and stable land is land that must be used as the basis for building houses. On a stable ground, the resulting shaking will be less because of its high density.
2. Make sure the house is symmetrical
According to experts and civil engineering experts, symmetrical buildings are more resistant to shocks caused by earthquakes. The symmetrical shape will provide a more even distribution of shocks so that the house becomes more resistant.
3. Pay attention to the materials used
Materials are a very important element for the strength of the house. You can use light weight materials such as wood or mild steel so that your house can be more earthquake resistant.
4. Strong Building Foundation
The foundation is the part of the house that is connected directly to the ground and functions as a spreader for the load received by the house to the ground. Therefore, the foundation of the house must be strong and according to standards.
5. Use Gypsum Partitions
It is better to use a partition made of gypsum or other lightweight materials such as wood. Using this partition will minimize the damage that occurs, because gypsum is not as stiff as bricks which are easy to crack and crumble when an earthquake occurs.
6. Keep Using Existing Standards
One example is the use of hebel as a substitute for concrete dak. This is very risky for the resilience of the house. Especially if there is an earthquake, it is certain that your house will collapse more easily because of this.
Those are some must-have tips for your home. In addition to making your house earthquake resistant, applying these important points will also make your home more durable. Hope it is useful.


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