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How to Clean the Attic of the House
The attic is the area between the ceiling and the roof of the house. For most homes in Indonesia, the attic may be rarely used and just left empty. In fact, the attic can be used to store unused items, so its function is similar to a warehouse. Abroad, the attic or attic is even used for additional bedrooms that are small but functional. So, don't be surprised if there are rooms whose position appears to be poking at the ceiling of the house.
The attic that is used as a warehouse will usually be full and crowded, especially if it is rarely cleaned. It is not impossible that the attic will become a fertile land for the growth of fungus and cobwebs to accumulate.
Tips and steps for cleaning the attic this time may be able to help you clean and tidy up the attic and the things in it easily and quickly.
Clear All Stuff
First of all, tidy up the things that are in the attic. Before cleaning, you take out all the items while sorting between the items you still want to use and which ones you don't. Items that are no longer used should be discarded, given to someone else, or resold.
Give Lighting
If your attic doesn't have lights installed, then install lights to make the cleaning process easier and later lights will also make it easier for you to see things when you're looking for them.
Clean the Attic
A vacuum cleaner is an effective tool for cleaning thick dust and sawdust on the attic floor.
Fix the Attic
If there is an attic floor that is starting to rot and has holes, then immediately make repairs so that mice do not become a gap for mice to enter.
Pay Attention to Humidity
The attic is hot in the dry season, but humid in the rainy season. Attic humidity is usually caused by rainwater seepage. To fix this, you can use a fan or a dehumidifier that can reduce humidity levels.
Attic Arrangement
If the attic has been cleaned, then rearrange the items that will be stored in the attic. Enter the largest item first. After that, you just arrange the smaller items. Organize it neatly so that it is easier for you when you want to find it.
You can enter items with a larger size first. As for smaller items, you can put them in a cardboard box. Don't forget to give a label to make it easier to find the things you need. Good luck!


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