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Advantages and Disadvantages of Plain Metal Roofs
What are the advantages and disadvantages of plain metal roofing? The following is an explanation of what distinguishes a plain metal roof from a metal roof that uses sand for the coating. Because there are some products from metal roofing manufacturers, the products made are plain, and some are made by adding a layer of sand on top.
For the advantage of a plain metal roof itself, most of this type of roof has a higher strength than metal roofs that use sand as a surface coating. This can happen because in terms of the thickness of the roof itself, a plain metal roof will have a thicker average thickness than the one using sand.
The next advantage because there is no layer of sand, usually a plain metal roof will have a color that is more durable, and does not fade easily. After all, the price offered is on average cheaper when compared to metal roofing products that use a layer of sand. The cheaper price I see is given by almost all metal roof manufacturers.
The downside of a metal roof that doesn't use a layer of sand on its top surface is that it's likely to be very noisy when it rains. Therefore, to anticipate it, usually the bottom layer is given a sound-absorbing layer so that it can reduce the noise that can arise when it rains. For another way that can be taken if you don't want to install a soundproofing on the bottom layer of the metal roof so that there is no noisy sound when it rains, then we can use a ceiling that has been given a soundproofing layer, for now on the market there are gypsum boards with various brands that have the advantage to be able to muffle the sound.
Because this is a metal roof whose base material is metal, it naturally propagates heat, and does not dampen it. Because it's the same as using a corrugated zinc roof, which will spread the sun's heat into the house, the metal roof also has the same properties that spread the sun's heat during the day and spread the cold at night.
Because most people use a plain metal roof, then they must prepare a good ceiling, so that it can reduce noise when it rains, and can withstand the heat of the sun during the day and can withstand the cold at night.


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