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Tips for Installing a Leak-Proof Roof Nok
Even if the rainy season doesn't come, of course we must remain vigilant about leaking roofs. It would be nice if we prepared an umbrella before it rained. It's time for you to get ready to learn how to deal with it when a leak occurs in your home. One of the common leaks on the roof of the house comes from the cracking of the karpusan, namely the mixture of cement and sand that unites the wuwungan/nok and tile. This cracked karpusan was caused by a non-standard roof installation process. Generally, the builders do the installation in a practical way, namely installing the roof directly on the karpusan.
Here are some steps that are correct in installing the mount.
1. Install wire rams on top of the roof beams which function as reinforcement to reduce the movement of the mortar and to hold and even out the mortar.
2. Pour the cement-sand mixture on the wire ram pair with a ratio of 1:4 cement sand. If necessary, give instant cement as much as 10% of the total cement percentage.
3. Shape the mixture like a roof. The height of the mortar should not be too high so that cracks do not occur. The ideal mix height is 2-3 cm.
4. Allow the mixture to dry for at least 3 days.
5. Install the roof using a sand cement mortar or using instant cement.
If there has been a leak due to carpus cracking, what should be done? What is often done is the application of waterproofing and combined with fiber. Other methods that can be used are:
1. Coak the cracked carpus
2. Give instant cement mortar at the location of the mortar.
3. Tidy with acian.
However, if you don't want to do the steps above, you can simply replace your roof with metal roof tiles and use accessories/nok made of the same material. Why is metal roofing superior to other roofing materials? One of the advantages is because metal roof tiles are installed using screws so that they become one unit with the frame as well as the roof. So, you don't have to go through the above steps to prevent leaks on your roof. Hope it is useful!


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