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Get to know the color of the roof of the house
The roof of your house plays an important role in carving out the identity, or elements of your home. When evaluating the roof of a house and looking at the roof as it relates to feng shui, the priority is to assess the form factor of the roof which in turn determines the shape and elements of the roof. Although roof color is not a top priority, choosing a roof color for your home with feng shui, the priority is to avoid clashes. These clashes usually involve whether the color creates an elemental conflict between the roof color and:

-Roof shape
-The color of the exterior walls of the house
-Where is the house going

Green roof (wood)
The green roof represents the wood element. The wood element is also represented by other colors including certain shades of brown. Sometimes, people who live in houses with flat roofs build some kind of garden on the roof. Cover the surface with green grass. It is also a wooden roof. Such a roof is most advantageous for houses facing east and southeast.

Red roof (fire)
When we think of the color of fire, we instinctively think of red. But don't forget that this element can also be represented by other colors like purple. Most of the houses have fire roofs due to the arrangement of the rainwater drainage system. Combine that with the fact that most houses are square or rectangular, this indicates that red roofs are usually fine.

Yellow roof (earth)
Buildings with yellow roofs are not popular because of their tendency to look deformed. However, they are neither few nor far away. Just go to higher ground and look at all the buildings below. Yellow earth roofs are easy to spot. This colored roof goes well with square houses and flat roofs. Many roofs also use dark brown shingles. It is also a symbol of the earth element. They are suitable for homes facing northeast and southwest.

White roof (metal)
While white roofs are rare, gray roofs which also represent metal elements are very common due to the color of the concrete slabs and are very common in modern homes with flat rooflines. Metal roofs need to avoid the elements of fire and should be avoided by houses facing south. They should also be avoided with triangular shaped roofs. Homes facing west and northwest are best suited for metallic roofs.

Black roof (water)
Black roofs are rare but not unheard of. The main reason homeowners avoid them is because they absorb heat from the sun. And the reason people love them is mostly because of their aesthetic value. Water roofs in theory need to avoid square-shaped houses. But since many houses are built in a square shape, and that is the shape of the house recommended by feng shui experts, far from inducing harmony from a black roof and a square house is to introduce a metal exterior wall color or build a flat roof. By presenting metal elements in the image, harmony is achieved between water (roof) and earth (house form). Water roofs are suitable for houses facing north.


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