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Definition of spandex roof in general
Spandek roof is a building roofing material made of zinc and aluminum in the form of a thin sheet in the form of waves. Generally, the basic material for making spandex roofs consists of a mixture of 43% zinc, 55% aluminum and 1.5% silicon, so that this roof can be easily formed, resulting in a strong, strong and easy to paint roof. The use of spandex roofs is currently widely applied to roofs of buildings such as malls, shop houses, factories, warehouses, canopies, terraces, sports field buildings, security posts, hospitals, offices and so on. There are also those who use this spandek roof as a project fence and building wall.

Various Types and Brands of Spandek Roofs
Currently there are various types of spandek roofs that have different characteristics. Each also has its advantages and disadvantages. The prices of spandex roofs from the several types of roofs below are not the same, here are some types of spandex roofs including: Zincalume spandex roof, color spandex roof, sand spandex roof, curved spandex roof, kliplok spandex roof, spandex roof transparent clear fiber and spandex roof laminated damper layer foil layer. In Indonesia, there are several factories that provide spandex roofing products at affordable spandex roofing prices.

Spandek Roof Size Per Sheet
The size of the spandex roof per sheet in the market starts from a length of 3 meters, 4 meters, 5 meters, and 6 meters. The width of the spandek roof itself starts from 0.60 meters (600 mm) to 1 meter (1000 mm) and for thicknesses ranging from 0.25mm, 0.30 mm, 0.35 mm, 0.40 mm, 0.45 mm and 0.50 mm. For those of you who need a spandek roof with a length according to the needs of the building's roof, you can also order a custom size according to your roof needs.

The advantages and disadvantages of using spandek roofs
In the following, we will review the advantages and disadvantages of using spandek roofs on building roofs.
1. Advantages of Using Spandek Roofs
The advantages and disadvantages of using spandek roofs for roof and wall construction include:
- Installation of the roof is faster and more practical, so it can save time and effort
- The price is cheaper than using other tile roofs
- No need for a complicated structure, can use mild steel / wooden rafters which are quite minimalist
- The weight of the spandek roof is very light, so it does not burden the building structure and is also suitable for earthquake-prone areas
- Strong material, durable, and does not need maintenance in the long term
- If in areas with high wind strength it will be safer than using earth or concrete tiles, reducing the risk of the roof collapsing
- Many color choices so that it can match the building design

2. Disadvantages of using spandex roof
Disadvantages of using spandek roofs include:
- When exposed to rain, it will feel more noisy than other tiles.
- The room temperature is hotter by using a zincalume spandex roof

Among the shortcomings or weaknesses of using the spandek roof above, you don't have to worry about it at this time. Because now there are heat and sound absorbent materials, namely glasswool, aluminum foil and so on. Now spandek roof manufacturers better understand the need for comfort in using their products. Thus our article about what spandek roofs are, the size of spandek roofs, the various types of spandek roofs, and their advantages and disadvantages. For those of you who want to buy a spandek roof from us, please contact Rainbow Roof.


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