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Ready for the Rain? Protect Home from Leaking
Continuous exposure to rain water can fade the color and rot the wood of window and door frames. Over time the wall paint can peel off. One way to avoid losses due to tampias is to install an additional roof on the house. Canopies, pergolas, trellis, and probably many other names of additional roofs of the same kind that you have heard. In fact, all of them have more or less the same function, namely to protect the house from rainwater and hot sun.
A canopy is a small roof that is installed above a window or door. Historically, the canopy was only used on monuments such as palaces or churches to protect statues and sacred objects on the outside of buildings. Today, canopies are widely used as window shields from rain and sun damage. Canopies generally consist of three types of shapes, namely quarter circles, rectangles, and pyramids or triangles. For canopies in the form of a quarter circle or square, the maximum width can reach 4 meters with a length of 2 meters. As for the pyramid-shaped or triangular canopy, the maximum width is 12 meters with a length of 1 meter.

Canopy cover material is generally made of canvas. Other types of materials that are also popular are vinyl, polymer, and polycarbonate. However, over time, many other materials are considered more durable, such as acrylic and polyester, which can last up to 5 years. Acrylic is considered to be more weather-resistant, less prone to tearing, and fastness, while polyester has mildew-resistant properties. There are many choices of canopy colors due to the various types of materials. Most importantly, choose a color that matches the facade of the house. Because even though it is only an addition, don't let the existence of the canopy spoil the view. If possible, choose colors that tend to be bright so that the canopy not only wards off tampias but also reflects sunlight. How to care for the canopy is relatively easy because it only needs to be cleaned at least 3 times a year. The canopy can be cleaned using regular hair shampoo. Rub using a soft sponge in one direction of rubbing so that the canopy cover material is not damaged quickly. If possible, choose a shampoo with the least amount of detergent, as this can damage the water-repellent coating on the canopy.

Some people call it a canopy, some call it a pergola. Whatever the term, this flat roof is an additional roof that also serves to protect the house from heat and rain. Flat roofs are generally applied to the carport as a car protector. Some people choose to make a flat roof out of concrete so that it is more permanent. However, the choice of other materials is also quite diverse, ranging from wood, iron, to stainless steel. Stainless steel is considered to be more rust-resistant, elegant, and easy to maintain.

Therefore, the price of this material is relatively more expensive and installation requires professional personnel. Iron material is also quite popular because the price is cheap. Unfortunately, this material is easier to rust. The types of materials commonly used are polycarbonate, plastic, zinc, and fiber cement. Plastic material is quite a lot of fans because the price is relatively cheaper. However, plastic materials tend to be easily damaged so they must be renewed within a certain period of time. Materials such as polycarbonate are also popular because of their transparent appearance, which makes the space under them bright. Unfortunately, this transparent quality will fade over time and become dull due to exposure to rain, dust, and garbage.


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