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Procedure for Using Service Materials
The use of service materials is carried out to close the less tight connection between the accessories and the tile or to cover the screw surface so that it is not visible (disguised by the color and texture of the tile).

Service materials consist of 2 (materials) namely:
1. Adhesive glue liquid material
2. Coraltek rock material

How to use service materials:
• The surface to be serviced must first be cleaned of dust and dirt so that the glue can adhere perfectly.
• The parts that have been cleaned are given adhesive glue to cover the entire surface of the connection or screw surface.
• Before waiting to dry, the surface of the adhesive glue is sprinkled with rock material and pressed a little so that the rock can blend with the glue until it is completely covered.
• After drying, the remaining rock left on the surface of the tile is swept with a hand brush to make it look clean.



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