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Building Materials for the Roof of the House
As a building protector from the heat of the sun, cold, dust, rainfall, and wind, the roof is an important part of building construction. Apart from being a protector, the roof can also affect the aesthetics of the building, so the choice of roofing material can affect the overall impression of the building. Currently, there are various building materials that can be used for roof construction. Each material has advantages and disadvantages, therefore, consider carefully before you decide to buy building roofing material. Here are some roofing materials that you can consider to protect your home.
Clay Roof
Clay is the most well known and often used roofing material for homes. Clay tiles are easy to get because they are widely produced in Indonesia. Clay roofing is durable and will not rot, burn, or be damaged by insects. This type of roof is available in various models and shapes. The installation process is also quite easy. Although this type of roof is resistant to both hot and cold weather and rain, clay tiles are easy to break and split. The weight of the clay tiles is also quite heavy, so for the installation of this type of roof requires a strong support.
Shingle Roof
Shingle roofs are generally made of wood. The type of wood used to make the roof shingles is ironwood. In addition to the roof of the house, shingle type roofs are also often used to cover pavilions or temporary buildings. Shingle material is also unique, because each sheet has a different color, thickness, and size, so that this material produces a natural impression. The natural impression produced by a shingle roof can make a building seem simple but still looks luxurious. Besides all its advantages, shingle also has several drawbacks. This material requires extra care in order to last a long time, because it is susceptible to weathering and insect damage. This type of roof is also more difficult to install than clay tiles, so the quality of the shingle roof is determined by the skill of the craftsman who installs it. In addition, shingle material is quite vulnerable to fire hazards if it is not coated with a heat-resistant coating.
Metal Roof
The metal roof consists of an arrangement of tiles made of anti-rust metal. The shape of the metal roof is similar to zinc, which is in the form of sheets. The metal roof reflects heat, so it can keep the house temperature cool. The material from which it is made is also recyclable, making it environmentally friendly. The metal roof is installed by planting it into the roof frame using nuts and bolts. This type of roof is shatterproof, anti-moss, anti-rust, quite fire-resistant and does not require special care. Besides being durable, metal roofing also has a light weight, so it does not require a large number of frames. Even so, the price of metal-based roofs is quite expensive and not easy to install, so it requires a skilled craftsman for installation.
Each type of roofing material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Consider carefully the material that you will use for the roof of your building, adjust the material to the type and needs of the building. Materials that match the needs of the building can produce a good and durable roof construction. Not only for roof construction, make sure you also use quality materials for the building as a whole.



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