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Roof Care to Avoid Leaking
After choosing a roof design model with the best materials or materials, the next step is to make the roof durable by taking care. The goal is to avoid damage such as leaks that occur when the rainy season arrives.
Here's how to care for a roof that is easy to do regularly.
1. Check Periodically
The first step is to check the roof regularly with a minimum of 3 months. You need to check the position of the roof that nothing has shifted or is damaged. Check each section to make sure there are no holes that could cause leaks. When checking, use a flashlight to be able to see more clearly any gaps in the roof of the house.
2. Clean Routinely
The second way to care for the roof of the house is to clean it regularly so that the dirt that settles on the roof does not cause cracks. Make sure there is no moss on the roof of the house because it can risk causing the roof to leak. If there are gutters on the roof of the house, make sure there are no holes that can impact the roof of the house. For those of you who live in areas that tend to have high levels of pollution, you need to sweep the roof every now and then so that the dust doesn't stick thickly which can damage the roof.
3. Prevent Fatal Leaks
When checking the roof and finding a leak or a part that is at risk of leakage, immediately take precautions. You do this by covering the leaking part using a patch and anticipating it from the ceiling of the house. You can see the leakage when there is already a trace of water on the ceiling of the house.
4. Painting the roof
The fourth step in roof care can be done using paint. This is especially true with roofs made of concrete or asbestos. You can use paint if the roof is old so it doesn't experience leaks and damage. The paint will protect the already brittle roof, making it safer. You can do how to care for the roof of this house in stages according to your needs. If all the methods have been done and there is still a leak, then you should replace the roof. Choose a roofing material that is in accordance with the environmental conditions of where you live so that it has long durability when used.


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