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House Roof Based on Indonesian Standard Materials
The roof is a part of the building that serves as the most important and very important protection. Types of roofs of houses today are very diverse. You can choose the type of roof according to your needs by prioritizing the value of the beauty and safety of your home. The artistic value of several types of roofs can be seen from the material for which the roof is made. The better the material or material, the better the quality of the roof will be. So, to choose a suitable roof, you must understand the advantages and disadvantages of the material for which it is made. So that you better know what type of roof is suitable, here are some types of roofs based on the material.
Clay roofs
Genting, is a type of clay roof that is most widely used in Indonesia. Roof tiles are produced through a process of pressing (clay molding) and burning. The advantages of roof tiles are that they are economical, durable and strong enough when stepped on. However, roof tiles also have disadvantages such as being easily mossy, so they must be coated with paint before installing them. In addition, when installing a tile arrangement as a roof, it requires precision to avoid leaks. Roof tiles must also be installed in a strong frame because they are not too supportive to withstand strong winds.
Asphalt House Roof
After roof tiles or clay, the type of asphalt roof is the second most widely used in Indonesia today. Asphalt roofs are made by combining fiberglass and asphalt coated with minerals. Types of asphalt roofs are available in two models, namely flat and wavy. Installation of an asphalt roof with a wave model can be done by screwing the boarding beam into place. Meanwhile, flat asphalt roofs can be attached via a multiplex that has been screwed to the frame. Asphalt roofs have several advantages such as practicality in installation, light weight, fire resistance, wind resistance, anti-fungus, and suitable for roofs of houses with a slope of up to 90 °. However, asphalt roofs are relatively expensive and not environmentally friendly.
Metal House Roof
Metal roofs use a combination of materials such as aluminum, iron, copper, and zinc. This type of roof is very suitable because it prioritizes durability. At present, this type of metal roof is not only used for homes, but several buildings such as schools, shops and workshops have begun to use metal roofs. The advantages of metal roofs are that they are very practical to install, have a light weight, are leak-proof, anti-rust, anti-shatterproof, heat-resistant, fire resistant, wind resistant, and very flexible to be installed in various fields. However, the disadvantage of this roof is that it is expensive and requires high accuracy when installing it.
Concrete roof
Types of concrete roofs or often referred to as concrete roofs are currently widely applied to minimalist homes because they carry a modern and very aesthetic style. This type of roof is very sturdy because it is made of cast concrete and iron reinforcement. The advantages of concrete roofs include durability, minimal maintenance, and fire resistance. However, concrete roof tiles also have a number of disadvantages such as less than excellent durability against wind and heavy weight, which affects the duration of installation. In addition, the price for concrete roof tiles is quite high.
Asbestos House Roof
Asbestos roof types are in great demand because they do not absorb heat, are easy to install, and are quite light. The shape of the asbestos roof is generally the same as zinc, only the material is different. The roof of the asbestos house contains carbon that can be easily peeled off, so that it can make you experience respiratory problems. In addition, asbestos roofs are very fragile, so care is needed when installing them. Another consideration for using asbestos roofs is the price, which is not cheap.
Ceramic roof
If you want to build a house with Mediterranean house architecture, then you can choose the type of roof made from ceramic. You can add a touch of ceramic to the front as a ceramic porch. Ceramic roofs offer aesthetic glazing finishes that are ready to give your home a luxurious impression. Another advantage of ceramic roofs is that they are durable, fire resistant, minimal maintenance, environmentally friendly, and use an interlock system such as tiles when installing or installing. As for the drawbacks, this type of ceramic house roof is very fragile, less resistant to wind, is not suitable for roofs with a slope of more than 30 °, and installations that require bolts so that they do not come off easily.
Tin Roof
Zinc roofs have advantages such as minimal use of the required frame, light enough, and installation must use nails to the frame. Zinc roofs have a price that is still affordable compared to other roofs. The disadvantage of this zinc roof is that it is very easy to rust, and absorbs heat. In addition, a house with a tin roof will look like an unsanitary house when used for a long time. Its nature is able to withstand or absorb heat causes the temperature in the room to be very hot and often causes noise when it rains.
In addition to the several types of roofs above, some houses in Indonesia also use roofs from other materials or materials such as glass roofs, canopy roofs, and membrane roofs. In fact, some houses in rural areas still use traditional types of roofs such as shingles and thatch roofs. After knowing the type of roof based on the material or material, now you can determine the choice of roof according to the occupancy you want to have.


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