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The Most Popular Leak-Proof House Tile Material
Tile is the most important part of the house to protect the house from sunshine and rain. Therefore, house tiles must be sturdy and durable so that protection for the house is more optimal. Of the many types available, here are the most popular leak-proof tile materials!
1. Clay tile
This type of tile is very popular in Indonesia. This material is produced through a press and combustion process. Apart from the economical price, this clay tile is also durable and strong. Unfortunately, this material has disadvantages such as moss easily. The best way to deal with it is to paint it first. Ideally, clay tile should be attached to a strong frame.
2. Metal Tile
This leak-proof tile material is suitable for those of you who prioritize durability. Combinations of metal materials such as aluminum, iron, copper and zinc are widely used in factory or workshop buildings. The advantages of this tile are light weight, rust resistance, breakage, leakage, fire, wind, and flexibility to be installed in various fields. However, this metal tile material is quite expensive and requires high accuracy when installing it.
3. Ceramic Tile
If you want to have a house with a Mediterranean architectural style, then ceramic tile is the one for you. The finishing of the glaze will make it look more beautiful and luxurious. The advantages of ceramic tile are durable, long lasting, fire resistant, and minimal maintenance. However, ceramic tile is easy to break and cannot be attached with an angle of more than 30o. To install it, you need a bolt so it doesn't come off easily.
4. Asphalt Tile
Apart from clay tile, this material is also popularly used in Indonesia because it is leak-proof. This asphalt tile is made from an alloy of fiberglass and asphalt coated with minerals. Available in two models, namely flat and wavy. This type of asphalt tile has practical installation, light weight, resistance to fire, wind and mildew. Unfortunately, asphalt tile is also famous for its high price. Well, choosing tile material does need to be tailored to your needs. Whatever your choice of home tile material, of course, it needs to be checked periodically. We recommend that you don't wait for your house tile to leak and then repair it. Take it easy, Rainbow Roof is ready to help you!


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