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Get to know the various types of spandex roofs
Home is a place to live that is needed by everyone. With a house, you can rest in peace and comfort. Buying a house is not cheap and requires a lot of money. In addition, you also have to see and take into account the specifications of the house you want to buy. Every component in your house will also determine the selling value of the house you live in. One of the important components in the house is the roof because it can change the atmosphere of the house. A good roof will keep your home cooler during the day and warm at night. Not all roofs are expensive. One of the cheap roofs that you can try is a spandex roof. So that you can find out the spandex roof in detail, in this article, we will discuss:
Types of Spandek Roofs:
- Zincalume Spandek roof
- Sand Spandek Roof
- Curved Spandek Roof
- Laminated Spandex Roof
- Kliplok Spandek Roof
- Transparent Spandex Roof
- Color Spandek Roof
1. Definition of Spandek Roof
Spandek roof itself is a house roof made of various forms of a mixture of zinc and aluminum with a composition of 43% zinc and 55% aluminum. The composition is also mixed with silicone as reinforcement and makes it more flexible. By relying on this aluminum material, the spandex roof is light, sturdy and very easy to adapt to the shape of your home or place of residence.
2. Pros and Cons of a Spandek Roof for Your Home
Spandek roofs themselves have specifications with advantages and disadvantages that you should know before deciding to use this type of roof in your home. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of spandex roof:
a. The advantages of Spandek Roofs
Spandek roofs are in great demand because they have the advantage of being a very easy installation process. You don't need special skills in the installation process because of its simple and uncomplicated shape. The shape of the spandex roof is very streamlined making it safe in the event of heavy winds while reducing the risk of collapsing if there is a very strong wind. In addition, spandek roofs made of aluminum have the expected durability of up to 50 years and are able to pass the durability of clay-based roofs. The surface of the roof is also able to reflect heat so that it will make conditions in the house cooler and cooler. Not only that, the material from this roof also makes it resistant to fire and makes it less likely to burn when there is a fire. Spandek roofs can also be recycled easily if the roof has reached the end of its life expectancy and makes this roof very friendly to the environment.
b. Disadvantages of Spandek Roofs
This roof will make a sound that is quite noisy when exposed to rainwater. This condition will be very disturbing if your house is exposed to heavy rain. However, currently there are many insulation technologies that can be used to reduce noise from spandex roofs. Different from clay roofs, spandex roofs have the possibility to experience color fading in a shorter time. If the color is faded it won't look good. Spandek roofs can leak if accidentally hit by a hard object. A roof that has leaked requires you to replace it as a set because this leak in the roof cannot be repaired immediately.
3. Use of Spandek Roofs in Minimalist Homes
Because of its simple shape, this roof is becoming popular to be applied in minimalist housing. A minimalist house will indeed look more attractive when combined with a spandex roof that has a color that matches the wall paint of the house. Having a minimalist home is a dream for many people.
4. Types of Spandek Roofs
For those of you who are interested and want to try to apply a spandex roof to your home, you can find out what types are available. Below are some types of spandek roofs that you can easily find and adapt to the needs of your home.
a. Zincalume Spandek roof
One of the first types of spandex roof is zincalume. Spandek roof of this type is one of the most widely used roofs in commercial buildings because of its very simple and simple nature. As the name implies, zincalume roof has a mixture of 55% aluminum, 43% zinc and 2% silicon.
b. Sand Spandek Roof
This roof is commonly used in minimalist housing and is combined with a lightweight steel roof structure. The sand spandex roof is light in weight and makes it very safe for housing. In addition, because this roof is equipped with a layer of sand, it has the ability to reduce sound much better than other spandex roofs.
c. Curved Spandek Roof
For those of you who need a spandex roof that can be applied to curved surfaces, you can use a curved spandex roof. This type of roof has different curved shapes and you can find the shape that best suits your needs.
d. Laminated Spandex Roof
This type of roof has an aluminum base material and has been reinforced with a foil layer on the outside. In terms of durability, this spandex roof is much stronger against impact and has a relatively longer service life than other spandek roofs.
e. Kliplok Spandex Roof
Kliplok spandex roof is one of the preferred roofs because it has locking and fastening technology that is already attached to the roof. Using a locking and fastening system makes this roof easier to apply and at the same time makes it more leak-resistant.
f. Transparent Spandex Roof
This type of transparent spandex roof is very suitable to be installed on a home carport because it has no color or is transparent. This roof also has plastic or glass material and makes it cheaper and lighter to install.
g. Color Spandek Roof
For those of you who don't like a plain roof, you can choose to use a color spandex roof. This roof has exactly the same material as the zincalume roof and can only be distinguished from the coating on the roof. The color spandex roof already comes with a variety of color choices that you can choose according to your own taste.
5. Tips for Choosing a Spandek Roof for the Home
You must not carelessly choose and use a spandex roof in your house because in fact not all spandex roofs are compatible with the house you live in. For example, a house with a classic model is not suitable for using a spandex roof. A house with a classic model would be better to use a regular tile roof made of clay. However, if you have a house with a minimalist model, you can still apply and install a spandex roof on your home. Then, you also have to choose the type of spandex roof that suits your needs. Do not use a transparent roof for the house because it will not fit. Try to install a spandex roof by adding insulation so that it can reduce outside noise.
That is the understanding along with the advantages, disadvantages and prices of the latest spandex roof that you can use as a reference in remodeling your home. Look for a spandex roof that best fits your home design and budget.


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