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Types, Prices, and Minus Pluses of Spandek Roofs
In recent times, spandek roofs have indeed been used as an option to complement shelters. Made from a combination of zinc, aluminum and silicon. This type of roof does have a strong texture. Interestingly, the price of this spandex roof is also quite pocket-friendly. It is not surprising then that many people choose spandex, as a substitute for roof made of clay or tile. Moreover, this type of roof has a fairly light weight making it easier to install. So, it's natural that it's a favorite for some people. The following are details about the spandex roof.
Types of Spandek Roofs in the Market
Spandek roofs are divided into several types, each of which has very different characteristics.
1. Sand spandex
Made of zinc, aluminum, coated with sand. This type of spandex has a fairly sturdy texture. The existence of sand material makes this roof can reduce noise such as rain.
2. Zincalume spandex
This type of spandex is a brand of the Bluescope company. Made from a mixture of aluminum (55%), zinc (43.5%), and silicon (1.5%). Make this roof has a strong texture, and is also anti-rust. Naturally, the price of zincalume spandex roof is quite expensive.
3. Spandex color
In making the roof type spandex color, do not use coating (coating). Which then also affects the price. The coating used in the color spandex, is a dye. Which serves to increase aesthetic value.
4. Spandex laminate
Made from basic materials such as zinc and aluminum. Laminated spandex has a double layer of foil. The process of installing laminate types is easier, compared to other types.
Pros and Cons of Spandek Roofs
Not much different from the roof from other materials. Spandek also has several advantages and disadvantages. Things that must be known and taken into consideration by potential customers. And below is the full review.
The advantages of spandex roof:
1. Anti shatterproof
Carrying thickness from 0.3mm-0.5mm. It turns out that this type of spandex roof is not easily damaged. Made from a combination of quality materials, spandex has anti-cracking properties, and has broken heart.
2. Easy to apply
Another advantage of spandex roof is the easy installation process. So that to apply it will not take long. Even so, it remains resistant to extreme weather attacks.
3. Long lasting
Spandek has a sturdy texture, which makes this roof more durable, and it can last longer. Research has shown that spandex can last up to 20 years.
4. Various color choices
In the market, spandex is sold with a wide selection of colors that can be selected according to taste. This color variation still makes the roof model of your house stylish.
In addition, you can also apply your own color. Because the surface is very smooth, and easy to paint. Which makes the house appear brighter.
Disadvantages of spandex roof:
1. Very high absorption
Has the ability to absorb sunlight which is very high. It turned out to be a minus point for using a spandex roof. Because that means it will make the house feel hotter.
2. Noise
The biggest drawback of spandek roofs is that they don't dampen the sound properly. Especially when it rains, where the occupants of the house will definitely hear quite disturbing noise. Each type of spandex roof has advantages, as well as disadvantages. Therefore, prospective customers must be smart in choosing which one suits their needs. In addition, don't forget to consider the price of spandex roofs. Because the market is different. Hopefully the information about the spandex roof above is useful and your home design is getting better.


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