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This type of house roof must know
Nowadays, roofs are not only used to protect residents from heat and rain. But it can also provide an aesthetic effect on building a house. Therefore, choosing the type of roof of the house cannot be done carelessly. Not only good in terms of model, but also of quality. Here are 6 types of roofs, along with their weaknesses and strengths.
1. Clay tiles
Clay roofs are a type of roof that is in great demand by the public. Besides being affordable, it is not difficult to find it. Clay tiles also have many forms, are strong, easy to install, and are also resistant to all weather and insect attacks. However, these clay tiles have drawbacks, namely, they are easy to moss and moldy, require a lot of battens, and need precision so that there are no gaps and do not sag, causing leaks.
2. Ceramic tiles
Is a roof made of clay coated with ceramic material. The advantage of ceramic tile roofs is their beautiful color, which will give the house an aesthetic effect. In addition, this type of roofing has a very strong and durable quality. Unfortunately, the price of this type of tile is very expensive, and the installation is quite complicated because it requires nuts and bolts for installation.
3. Glass tiles
As the name suggests, this type of tile is made of glass, which is molded like a clay tile mold. This type of tile also functions as a vent so that sunlight can enter the house. In addition, glass tiles can also make the walls of the house not damp. The disadvantage of glass tiles is that they break easily and cannot be used too much in the house to prevent heat.
4. Metal roof tiles
Is a type of tile made of stainless metal or mild steel. The shape of metal roof tiles is a sheet, so the installation must use nuts and bolts on the roof frame. In addition, the advantages of this type of roof are light in size and also maintenance free. However, this type of tile has a relatively more expensive price, and is also accurate at the time of installation.
5. Concrete roof tiles
Concrete tiles are made of concrete dough that is molded like clay. This type of tile is often used in homes with minimalist designs such as housing. This is because these concrete tiles have a variety of styles and various colors. Not only that, concrete tiles also have good quality, are resistant to weather, fire, and from insect attacks. However, the disadvantages of concrete roofs are that they are heavier and cost more than roof tiles.
6. Cast Concrete Roof
Not only roads that can be cast, it turns out that house roofs can also be made with cast concrete. Usually, cast concrete roofs are often chosen for terraced houses. The strength and durability of the cast concrete roof is one of the main attractions of the community. In addition, cast concrete roofs are weather resistant, cannot be weathered due to rain, and are resistant to fire. But the main drawback is that it is very heavy, so you have to build a house using strong chicken claws. This strong foundation can prevent walls from becoming cracked due to the heavy weight of the cast concrete roof.
So you know which type of roof for your dream house later?


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