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The Most Popular Types of House Roofs for Resident
As an important part of a house, the roof not only serves as a protection from heat and rain, but also as an element to add aesthetic value. Let's get to know the various types of the most popular roofs that are suitable for various types of housing. In the world of architecture, you can find various types of roofs made of different materials and shapes. The material for the roof is chosen according to the function and shape of the building you want to make, be it an office building, shop, restaurant, or house.
Each type of roof has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the material for which it is made. In Indonesia alone, you can find various types of roofs that are suitable for tropical climates with hot weather. For those who have plans to build a dream residence, be it a minimalist house that is trending, or a house with a Mediterranean design, for example, choosing the right roof is obligatory. Here are the various types of the most popular roofs that you can make a reference.
1. Clay roof tiles
The first type of roof was made of clay. This is the favorite tile for a million Indonesians. This roof is made of clay, which is processed through pressing and burning techniques, resulting in a durable and strong quality.
Pros: Economical price, durable, various models and shapes, easy to find, anti-insect attack
Weaknesses: Easily mossy and moldy, requires a sturdy frame to be wind resistant, requires precision when installing so it doesn't come off easily
2. Metal roof
By utilizing the main materials in the form of steel and lightweight iron, metal tile is another roof option suitable for tropical homes. Even though it is made of metal, this type of roof does not rust easily.
Pros: Relatively lighter than other types of tile, reflect light so that the house feels cooler, anti-moss, non-flammable, can be installed in various fields
Pros: Installation must be done carefully, the selling price is quite draining the bag
3. Concrete roofs
If you are a fan of minimalist home architecture, this type of roof is most widely used to complement modern accents of this type. Concrete roofs are also known to be very sturdy and durable.
Pros: Very sturdy, durable and durable, anti-weathering and insects, fire and weather resistance, aesthetic appearance
Weaknesses: The price is quite expensive, heavier than other types of tile, installation takes time
4. Roof Ceramics
Similar but not the same, the type of roof of a ceramic house is also made of clay. The difference is in the layer of glaze on the surface of the ceramic roof. The roof of this building is mostly used for the architectural style of Mediterranean houses because it is able to give a luxurious and elegant appearance to the residence.
Pros: Does not require a lot of maintenance, uses a sturdy, durable and long-lasting interlock system, available in various beautiful and shiny color variants
Weaknesses: Easy to break, not wind resistant, the selling price is quite expensive
5. Asphalt roof tiles
The next type of house roof is also quite popular and widely used in Indonesia is asphalt tile. As the name implies, the basic material for making this tile is a mixture of chemical and asphalt, resulting in a roof that is super sturdy and durable
Pros: Non-flammable, strong and durable, the asphalt layer makes the tile anti-fungal, very sturdy, able to withstand winds, has many color variations
Weaknesses: High selling price, requires a strong frame as a support, heavier than most roofs
There are several types of roofs that are suitable for protecting favorite homes. Choose a roof that suits the needs and architectural style of the house. May be useful!


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