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The advantages of metal tile that you must know
Lots of tile choices for homes to choose from. Starting from clay, ceramic, and metal tiles, each tile has its own functions and advantages. Of the many options, metal tile has several advantages that other types of tile do not have. If you are building a house, maybe some of the advantages of this metal tile can be a consideration.
Metal tile excellence
1. High Durability
You could say, the durability of this one tile is quite high and good. The reason is, this tile material is anti-break! In addition, this tile is also resistant to fungi and termites. Moreover, you also don't need to worry about this one tile becoming rotten.
With various advantages, this tile can be used for decades.
2. Light Weight
The weight of metal tile is very light because it is in the form of a sheet. The average weight of this tile with an area of ??1 square meter is only 7 kg. Compared to a concrete roof that can weigh up to 60 kg with the same area, of course, metal roof tiles are superior.
3. Suitable for earthquake prone areas
Due to its very light load, one tile is very suitable for earthquake-prone areas. With a special installation that makes the tile more integrated with the frame of the house, this roof will be the right choice.
4. Low Prices
The price of this tile falls into the middle category, which means it is still pocket-friendly. You can compare it with other tiles.
In fact, you also only need a few tile sheets for a relatively large roof size.
5. Variety of Color Options
One of the most interesting advantages of this tile is the variety of color choices that are varied. Of course, metal roof tiles have a wide range of options to match various house concepts, from minimalist to traditional. If you like experimenting, you must choose this tile.
6. Eco-friendly
Who would have thought that metal tiles were environmentally friendly?
This tile turns out to be made of recycled material which reaches up to 60%. In addition, this tile making utilizes energy which is really efficient. Moreover, if this tile is damaged, you can use it to make a new tile.
7. Easy and Fast Installation
This tile with metal material has been designed in such a way that installation can be done very quickly. All you need to do is spread this tile sheet on top of the roof frame. After that, you only need to secure the tile sheet with screws. Well, that's how to install metal roof tiles. Even though it sounds simple, it doesn't mean that its durability is not guaranteed. In fact, this tile can be said to be wind and earthquake resistant!
8. Simple Roof Truss
Its light weight makes this tile does not need to be supported by a complicated roof truss structure. This type of tile is sufficient to install using a support made of mild steel. How? Practical, right?
9. Not Noisy
Sandy metal tiles can make your house resistant to outside noise.
The reason is, the layer of sand on the tile can function to reduce sound. With the right installation, you can create a quiet and peaceful residence. This is the advantage of metal tile that you should know. Despite its advantages, you should also know that metal materials that absorb heat can make a house feel warm.



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