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Types of Roofing Materials You Need to Know
As one of the main parts of a house, the roof has a very important role. The roof protects the occupants from weather such as rain, heat, and so on. In the beginning, the roofs of traditional houses in Indonesia were made from natural materials including thatch, palm fiber, straw, and so on. The times and the increasing standards of human comfort paved the way for the development of new types of non-organic roofs that were stronger and more durable. For those of you who are renovating or building a house, here are various types of tile that can be an option for your home.
Natural roofs
This type of roof is obtained from natural materials. In Indonesia, there are at least four materials commonly used, including wood, bamboo, palm fiber, and thatch. One example of a natural roof is a wooden roof which is commonly called a shingle roof. The usual wooden planks are neatly arranged on top of the roof structure and provide a cool atmosphere for the residents below. Wood that is commonly used is ironwood, teak, or merbau. In addition, palm fiber roofs are also widely used, especially in houses that are still being built traditionally. This roof is made of hard fibers to protect the palm leaves. The color is black, it is durable and waterproof. A palm fiber roof is suitable if you want to build a tropical house in a traditional style so that it looks rustic.
Clay Tile Roof
Clay tile roofs are the most common type of roof used today. As a local roofing material, tile was only developed in the early 20th century. Initially imported by the Dutch as the roof for their dwellings and sugar factories, clay tile then became popular among local people. Currently, there are various types of tile roofs with unique local names, such as frog, plentong, garuda, kojer, press, and so on. Clay tile is known to withstand heat well so that the space underneath is cool. This tile is suitable to be applied to various design styles from traditional to modern. The modern variant of clay tile is ceramic tile. If the surface of ordinary tile is rough and porous, the surface ceramic tile has been given a layer of glaze so that it is waterproof and looks shiny.
Concrete Tile Roof
As the name suggests, concrete tile is made from concrete, namely sand and cement. Color was added to make it look aesthetically pleasing. These materials are processed through a high pressure machine and then heated to form a tile that is strong and durable. You can choose the wave type or flat type of concrete tile. If you want a natural impression, you can choose corrugated tile. A modern impression appears when you use flat tile. The fairly heavy weight of concrete roof tiles (60 kg per square meter, compared to clay tiles which are around 45 kg) requires a strong roof structure construction.
Metal / Metal Tile Roof
Metal roof tiles are increasingly popular. In addition to its ability to withstand the effects of good weather, metal tile is also light in weight and easy to install. Various metal materials are used for this type of tile, such as stainless steel, copper, galvalume steel tile, spandex (zinc and aluminum alloy), multiroof metal tile, millenium tile, and so on. According to the texture, there are corrugated tiles and some are flat. The millennium tile type, for example, has a flat appearance with a futuristic color suitable for a modern, minimalist style home. Although metal tile is more economical and lighter, what needs to be considered is the ability to conduct high heat. If the ceiling of the house is not given an empty space or ceiling, a house covered with metal tiles tends to feel hotter.
Bitumen tile roof
Bitumen is another name for asphalt. Bitumen tile is indeed made from an alloy of asphalt with reinforcing materials, namely wood fibers. Because of that component, bitumen tile becomes tough and tough. In addition, bitumen tile is also very light, about 1/6 of the weight of concrete tile for the same area. As a result, you can attach it to any type of roof support structure. Its "soft" material makes this tile great for absorbing outside sounds. Tile, which became popular in the US at the beginning of the 20th century, is also increasingly popular in Indonesia, especially for houses with minimalist themes.
Apart from the various types of tile, there are also various other interesting types of tile, such as PVC tile and solar tile, for example. Solar tile is a solar tile, its function is as a tile as well as a source of solar power generation. Still want to find the types of tile that are suitable for your home? Visit Rainbow Roof to see selected metal tile products.


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