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Various Types of Roofs You Need to Know

The roof is the most important protection for the house. The roof will protect the house from sunshine and rain, as well as enhance the appearance of the house. Therefore, the roof of the house must be sturdy in order to be durable and can protect the house in an excellent manner. In supporting its main function, of course you need to choose quality materials, so that the roof is durable. There are several types of roofs with the latest and minimalist designs based on the materials they are made of. Here's the article for you.

Clay roofs

Surely you are very familiar with the types of clay roofs. Including the most popular type of tile in Indonesia, this type of roof is produced through a pressing and burning process. Clay roof types have advantages such as the price is economical, durable, and strong enough when stepped on.

However, the type of roof of a clay house has a number of disadvantages, such as being easily mossy so that it must be coated with paint first, requires accuracy when installing to avoid leaks, is not too strong in resisting wind and ideally must be attached to a strong frame.

Concrete roof

Concrete tiles are molded like clay tiles. But usually concrete roof tiles vary from shape to color. Usually this concrete tile is used in minimalist homes, because it carries a modern style.

Concrete tile has advantages such as a high level of quality, more durable and durable, weather resistance, more aesthetic and very sturdy. While the drawbacks are that concrete tiles are heavier than clay tile roofs, in terms of price, they are also more expensive and take longer to install.

Ceramic roof

Do you want to build a residence with Mediterranean house architecture? You can choose the type of roof made from ceramic. You can also add a touch of ceramic to the front as a ceramic porch. Offer an aesthetic glaze finish, this type of ceramic roof is ready to give your home a luxurious impression.

Seng House Roof

Zinc roofs are often used in roadside stalls or shops. The advantages of zinc roofing are minimal use of frames, light weight, very affordable compared to other roofs. While the disadvantages are that the installation requires nails on the frame, rust easily, requires additional weight to prevent the roof from shifting due to wind, looks like an unhealthy house when used for a long time, makes noise when it rains and can withstand heat so that the temperature in the room get hot.

Metal House Roof

If you prioritize durability, you can choose metal roof tiles. This type of roof uses a combination of various materials such as aluminum, iron, copper and zinc. Currently, metal roof types are widely used in buildings such as schools or workshops.

The advantage is that this type of metal roof is very practical to install, has a light weight, is anti-rust, anti-shatterproof, leak-proof, does not cause heat, is fire resistant, wind resistant and flexible to be installed in various fields. Behind the many advantages, this type of metal house roof is famous for its expensive price and requires high accuracy when installing it.


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