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What are the Other Common Roof Repair Problems?
There are some common roof repairs that can be easily repaired and can be seen when installing something new.

1. We recommend that you double-check the installation of the skylight to make sure there is no place that can leak. After installation, check after it rains for the first time that no water has seeped in.

2. Double-check the flashing and the area around them to make sure there are no leaks there. Chimneys and ventilation pipes for example can leak if the flashing is not installed correctly.

3. Wind can cause TV antennas, trees and other debris to explode onto the roof and remove tiles. If there is a tree that meets your roof, it might be worth cutting back.

4. For more security you can add insulation because it can help reduce the heat of the sun and make the residence cool.

Troubleshooting Tips: Check your attic in the Rainy Season

In winter your roof will be thoroughly tested against the elements so there is no better time to examine it. It is windy, wet and cold, so this is a good time to check if there is rain falling, if there is a damp odor, or if there is excessive wind.

Of course, you should expect a certain level of cold and wind in an unoccupied and uninsulated attic room, but if there are wood spots or wet insulation that is clearly visible then mold can develop and rot can enter. The same applies to the wind if the wind is too strong, maybe your tiles are gone. You must use your discretion when assessing this!

For more information about what you might face on the roof, or what materials you need to fix your problem, contact us at www.rainbow-roof.co.id


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