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Roof Leakage Problems
It's entering the rainy season, have you checked the condition of your roof? So what if you find a leaky roof? The following are some ways to deal with the leaky roof of your house.

How to Overcome Leaks on the House Roof

Leaks on the roof of the house can occur due to several things such as for example because the wind is blowing so hard that it makes the tiles shift, the number of trees that bear fruit near the roof of the house and then the fruit falls so as to cause the tile to break or anything else.

For that you must check regularly. If you have a shady tree close to the roof of your house, you should immediately trim the branches that hung down to the roof. You can trim it, so that the risks of leakage on the roof can be avoided at least. In this article I will discuss about how to deal with leakage on the roof of a house. Let's look at the explanation together!

1. Avoid Planting Trees Too Close to Home

Planting trees too close to the house will trigger leakage on the roof of the house. Why is that? Trees that grow big, shady, dense, let alone bear a lot of fruit, will surely damage your roof if planted too close to the house. The part of the branches that grow dangling to the roof of your house if the wind blows will move, it will indirectly make your roof to be shifted from its original place, so that it can trigger leaks.

Furthermore, if it is already bearing fruit, there is definitely a risk that the fruit will fall into the roof of your house and can make cracks or even break. Thus if you do not know, then when it rains your roof will leak.

2. Use a roof that uses a waterproof system

From the word waterproof we can already see that the meaning is to protect it from water. Now the same is true for a roof that uses a waterproof system, most likely will not experience problems such as leakage. Waterproof roof consists of various variations, types and colors. You can choose according to taste and of course adjust to the budget that you prepare. Waterproof roof is also very easy to find in the nearest building shops.

But if you decide to use a roof that has a waterproof system, of course, it must be balanced with the right and proper installation process. If the installation is from the origin, the results will be the same, because a little gap will cause leakage on your roof. So it needs to be fixed, this is tantamount to working twice. So it's best when installation must be done carefully.

3. Put the Plastic Under the Roof

Before installing the roof you can give a plastic coating first. After the roof truss made of wood or mild steel has been installed, you can attach the plastic and proceed with the roof. This method has been carried out by many people, especially in rural areas whose land is still large, and of course has a high risk of leakage on the roof due to strong winds blowing.

Unlike in urban areas, the area is already very dense, the risk of leakage certainly tends to be low. Even strong winds will be held back by the many buildings. But if you want to install plastic as a roof coating it would be better to prevent leakage.

4. Roofs Should Have The Right Slope Angle

How to deal with leakage on the roof of the house this time is also noteworthy. Roof installation should have the right slope, because one of the causes of leakage on the roof of the house is the design of the roof that is too gentle. The sloping roof is only suitable for use or is applied to the design of a cast-based roof.

By using a cast roof, it also needs to be coated with paint or liquid-based waterproof so as not to seep and prevent leakage on your roof. But for roofs with other materials, you must pay attention to the slope angle first so that water can flow smoothly when it rains.

5. Change the roof that looks already fragile

Roofs that look fragile are likely to trigger leakage on the roof of the house. This happens due to the roof which is starting to become fragile so that it is very easy to make the water leak and eventually leakage can occur.

In addition, by replacing a roof that looks fragile before its time will be the best solution before a leak occurs. It's better to prevent it than to fix it instead. This will be effective before the rainy season arrives.

6. Clearing Piles of Dry Leaf Trash

Dry leaf litter is often found and involved in the flow of water. If this happens and you let it will trigger a leak on your roof. You should check and then clean


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