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Changing Tips Exposed roof Termites

roof trussTips on replacing the roof that is exposed termites are one way to repair the house. Damage to homes can not be taken lightly. If left unchecked can become bigger. Here are tips to replace the roof of the house affected by termites. We need to be vigilant when living in environments prone to termites. Moreover, when the house is filled with material and furniture made of wood. Wood is a favorite food for the termites.

Wood that has been eaten by termites, if at first glance its shape remains intact, with the former powder around it. However, if listened more carefully, the timber actually has porous and crumbly. This is harmful to the occupants of the house.
If the roof of your house using the construction of the timber, then make sure the wood used has been given anti termites before installation. Anti-termite coating also needs to be done on a regular basis to improve security wood from termites.

If the wood construction has been consumed by termites, immediately dismantle and replace it with new wood. As an alternative to wood, can be used constructions made of lightweight steel frame.

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