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Good Roof Design without Roofs
The existence of ceilings in almost all houses in Indonesia has mandatory laws. This is because the ceiling has a function as a part that can reduce heat entering the room so that it is very suitable to be applied in tropical country dwellings such as Indonesia. There are so many different types of ceiling homes that you can use, colors and ceiling materials available on the market. However, with the increasingly sophisticated technology and roofing materials, the use of ceilings at home is no longer a primary need. Instead, you can install alternative replacement materials, such as aluminum foil sheets right at the bottom of the tile. Other materials such as wood can be a solution. Then what is the shape of the room without a beautiful ceiling? Well, here are 9 of the best ceiling design roofs that are suitable for use in every room with various themes.

1. Classic with Wooden Frames

The simplest design for a room without a ceiling is to use a wooden frame with natural finishing combined with white ceiling sheets in between. There are various types of wood for ceiling frames. This concept is suitable for use in the entire room, especially the living room, family room, dining room and bedroom. Especially if the selected space is not too high, then the room without a ceiling will make your room look taller and wider.

2. Simplicity of White Domination

The next design, still using a wooden frame as an alternative to asbestos as a ceiling. The use of the concept without a ceiling does aim to expose the beauty of your roof truss. Then it is definitely necessary more finishing so that the exposed roof truss looks more attractive and adds to the aesthetic value of the room.

For a cleaner appearance, you can use a wooden frame and a wooden roof cover. A clean white paint finish would be very suitable for Scandinavian or classic themed spaces.

3. Exposure to Wooden Easel

The wooden horses which consist of horizontal beams and beveled beams will be very interesting to show, including the iron connections that compose the horses. Such a concept would be very appropriate to be used for classical country and industrial space concepts. For a cleaner look, you can use white wooden roof coverings so that the exposed horses are clearer.

4. Wood and Glass Collaboration

Who has never dreamed of having a bedroom under the roof? It would be very beautiful and also comfortable, of course, if the bedroom under your roof uses a ceiling without a ceiling. This concept will certainly make a room that is low ceilings become higher. Wood material can be made the right choice, especially if combined with wood floors. Wood can add a warm impression in the room.

As an innovation, a combination of wood and glass roofs will be a breakthrough that is worth a try. With a glass roof you can relax while looking at the beautiful sky view. In addition, glass can also function to enter natural light during the day which can save electricity usage.

5. Flat Roof with Wooden Frame

For the design of the roof of a house without a good and inexpensive ceiling then still use wood. It's just not applied to the triangular roof as before because there are various types of house roofs. A neat wooden layout can function as a flat roof and a simple but attractive ceiling. You can use the glass roof cover on the outside to enter natural lighting.

6. Simple with Bamboo

The next simple concept is to use a series of bamboo, both the ceiling frame and roof cover. To make it look more elegant, you can use a white paint finish on the whole bamboo to make it look cleaner, always make sure the paint color matches the color of the elegant house paint. This bamboo ceiling design will be attractive for spaces with eclectic, vernacular and Scandinavian concepts. You can use a simple light bulb for indoor lighting.

7. Modern Shades of Iron Frame

Next is the roof design without a ceiling with a modern concept. Modern which is identical with the use of non-wood materials, will look more sophisticated by using iron and glass. The concept of an iron frame and glass roof will make your space look more sturdy and present. The use of glass can make the room feel warmer with light that is able to penetrate into the room as a whole. The series of glass roof will be suitable for the concept of open space because the glass will make your space more integrated with nature.

8. Industrial Style Without Finishing

At present the concept of a room with an industrial theme is truly excellent. The concept of finishing with an unfinished look that is characteristic of the industry became very popular, and this is one of the most economical tips


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