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The Slope of the Residential Roof

Slope of the Ideal Roof Angle According to Material. I have experienced this. Every rain the roof always leaks. After being repaired, it still leaked. Investigate not investigate not because of tiles that are damaged or cracked. The reason is none other than the not ideal roof angle. So that the flow of rain water does not flow properly.

Different Roofing Materials, Even Slope

Now many choices of roofing materials. Starting from clay tile to metal. Each material has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore be smart to choose the type of roof. Adjust to the conditions and circumstances. Houses in Europe have steeper slope angles. This is to avoid the adverse effects of winter. While houses in the tropics, such as Indonesia do not need to be like in Europe. The slope of the roof is aimed at keeping the rainwater flowing properly so that no leakage occurs.

1. Slope of Dak roof

Many people think that concrete roofs do not need to be tilted as long as the correct casting method. Though not the case. Although using a cast or concrete roof, it is necessary to have a slope so that rain water can flow. How many degrees are needed? 5 degrees is enough for no. Tip: To avoid leaking or leaking, use a waterproof coating. A good mortar is very influential on whether or not it seeps.

2. Cast / Concrete Roof

Not a few housing that applies a cast roof or concrete roof. Maybe you also want to apply it to your home. Indeed there are shortcomings of this cast roof. Namely if there is damage, then we usually have trouble getting new tiles. Unless in your area it is common to use a cast roof. Then, what is the angle of slope of the concrete roof? Experts recommend 30 to 35 degrees.

3. Zinc / Asbestos Roof

Zinc or asbestos are two of the most well-known roofing materials. Before the presence of various types of roofs at this time, people only had alternatives to zinc and asbestos. The application of zinc roofing is very common especially in Eastern Indonesia. Especially in the area of ??small islands. Zinc roof / asbestos does not create hassle, both in the process and maintenance. The slope angle of a zinc or asbestos roof should be no less than 10 degrees. You can apply it from 5 degrees to 25 degrees.

4. Metal Roof Tile

Around the early 2000s, Indonesian people began to recognize metal tile roofs. This type of tile is very practical. The practicality becomes more value than metal tile. To install this type of roof, a slope angle of 25 to 35 degrees is required.

5. Roof Tile Clay / Ceramics

This type of tile is very commonly used in Indonesia. Although it is prone to leaking because it easily cracks, this type of roof has many advantages. One of them is to reduce heat. If you want clay tiles that are more beautiful and durable, you can choose glazing tile. Glazing tile is a clay tile that is coated. Thus reducing the impact of leakage and seepage. The slope of the roof tile should be sharp. The sharper the slope the better the angle. The minimum angle of inclination is 30 degrees.

6. Spandek roof

This type of roof is an innovation from metal roofing. Spandek roofing material is a mixture of aluminum and zinc. Spandek roof is more flexible. This is due to the presence of silicone material. Spandek roof is very suitable applied to factories, shops, malls, and the like. This material is claimed to be the most durable roofing material. It's just because the basic material is metal, the absorption of sunlight is very high. The slope level ranges from 5 degrees to 60 degrees.

Summary of Various Types of Roof Slope

The following is a summary of slope levels for various types of roofs.
- Cast roof 30-60 degrees. Spacing of battens 25.5-35.5 cm.
- Dak roof: 5 degrees
- Zinc / Asbestos roof: 5-25 degrees. Batten distance of 60 cm.
- Metal tile: 15-90 degrees. For homes 25-35 degrees. Batten distance 36-38.5 cm.
- Clay tile: 30-60 degrees. Batten distance of 26 cm.
- Spandek roof: 5-60 degrees. Batten distance 60cm.


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