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Troubleshooting the Roof of the House

Changing weather does not only make our health conditions that can be disrupted, the health of the house can also be disrupted due to erratic rainfall patterns. Even though it is now possible for the rainy season to end, it does not mean it has not rained at all. The proof is that some time ago, the rain still fell. And usually, if it rains a lot of things are worried about the homeowners, starting from the threat of flooding and leaky roofs.

The problem of the roof of the house is indeed one of the things that is very important to note. A leaky house roof is often a troublesome problem, especially if the rain comes at night, this is very troublesome for residents of the house. In addition to having to set aside or move goods to a safe place, we also have to put temporary water reservoirs so that the water droplets do not go anywhere.

Therefore, if your house roof is leaking, you should immediately fix it or make repairs. For the sake of making it easier to handle, below are a few things that can cause leaky roofs as well as ways to overcome them. Roof construction must also be checked. Is it still sturdy and shaped as before. If there is a change in shape in certain parts such as bending the roof area, it is not possible to do so, it must be disassembled and totally repaired in that section. This maintenance and care should be done regularly.

Leaking of the roof of a house is usually caused by building construction errors, such as a lack of proper roof slope or broken tiles. Generally, tiles that are often used in our society require a slope of between 30-40 degrees. If it is lacking, then leaking can certainly threaten if it rains.

The solution, rearrange the slope of the roof and make a leak-proof coating, whether it's made of plastic at the bottom of the tile. So, even if water enters through the gap between the tiles it will still be able to be held back by a layer of plastic that has been connected to the gutter. In addition, choose a tile that is equipped with nail holes to lock the position of the tile so as not to sag. Many famous tile brands in building shops that have been equipped with nail holes.

The second problem is the installation error, this usually occurs because the craftsman is not careful enough when spelling out the locations of roofs prone to rain. For example, the ridge is made too high and causes cracks or rupture resulting in leakage when it rains. The solution, give a waterproof layer such as an aquaproof or rubber gutters on the leaked part. For that, it's good when building a house, we choose skilled craftsmen and ask them to work as well as possible when working on the roof.

Thirdly because of the influence of the weather, as part of the structure of the building which continues to be exposed to heat and rain, the roof will certainly be damaged gradually. Although the material we choose is very strong, but over time it will be degraded due to the weather. Usually, the weather causes damage to the connection, cracks on clay tiles, tile from zinc that rusts or the fading of the color of coating paint on concrete roof tiles.

The solution, do periodic maintenance every year to extend the age of our building roof. For example by painting tile or giving a layer of waterproof on concrete, and so on. Especially if the selected material is careless, more intensive care must be taken. Because it affects the slope tolerance that can be applied to the house. Likewise with other materials, asbestos may be much cheaper but the resistance to weather is clearly weaker.


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