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Build a Minimalist Home?This is the Estimated Cost

Having a safe and comfortable home is everyone's dream. Along with the times, new innovations emerged to make a minimalist home safe, comfortable, and more affordable. Minimalist home is now a favorite choice as a place to live for many people. With limited human land it is demanded to be able to maximize the available space. Well for those of you who really want a minimalist home then you have to know the estimated costs in the construction. Here's the review.

1. Establish the type of minimalist house that will be built

The first thing to prepare is to know and determine the type of house that you will build. Especially if you have several factors to be fulfilled in building a house such as the desire to design a house that often changes, the price of building materials is increasingly expensive, or pay for development work that uses bulk or daily service rates.

2. Calculating One by One Your Minimalist Home Needs

To get a detailed fee, you must do the calculation one by one of the needs of your minimalist home. More than that if you want to know in detail the cost of building a minimalist house, you want it or not, you have to calculate the amount of needs and the size of the room that is made.

3. Prepare Funds and Start Building

After you determine and define the type of minimalist house that you want to build and also calculate the needs of a minimalist home per item (unit), then the final step is to prepare funds and start building. Provide more funds than the initial calculation because generally the construction of a house might be more than the prediction.

Calculating the cost of building a unit price analysis system

The order of calculation of the cost of minimalist homes in units or per-items is as follows:

- Make a picture of the house to be built.

- Make material specifications or work plans and building requirements.

- Make a detailed list of jobs to be carried out.

- Calculates the volume of each work item.

- Search for a list of the latest wage and material prices.

- Calculate the unit price analysis of each work item.

- Multiplying volume by unit price analysis.

- Make the total price.

- Adding the figures resulting from the calculation of the building cost budget plan with 10% VAT and the amount of wholesale profits that will be given to the contractor.

For example: if you want to build a minimalist house then you need to first make a picture. Also plan what materials will be used. After that, make details of the work items that will be calculated in general as follows:

- Preparation (land clearing, material arrivals and so on)

- Foundations (soil excavation, installation of stone foundation, soil recovery)

- Reinforced concrete structures such as sloof, columns and beams.

- The walls cover pairs of brick walls with stucco and plastering.

- Roof frame and finishing of roof cover.

- House ceiling work.

- House floor work.

- Installation of plumbing and home electricity.

- Painting and tidiness.

Each of the work items above can then be calculated based on the image of the building that has been accompanied by size. After that, calculate the unit price of the work that ends by switching the volume x unit price = the price of the work item. As an example is the stone pair work item you can calculate the volume of 10 m3 with a unit price of Rp.400,000. From here it can be seen that the cost of this stone pair work is 10m3 x Rp. 400,000 = Rp. 4,000,000.

Cost of General Minimalist House Construction (per square meter)

If you really insist on wanting to know the construction costs in general then you can see the following references. Remember this fee is only in the form of a range, so it's not exactly one hundred percent. So the range of costs common to the construction of minimalist houses is:

For a building area of ??100 square meters, the cost will be between Rp300 to Rp350 million.

For a building area of ??101-300 square meters, the cost is around Rp.325 to Rp375 million.

The building area above 301 square meters costs between IDR 350 and IDR 400 million.


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