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How to deal with a broken roof tile

Damaged or cracked roof tiles cause inconvenience to the occupants of the house, especially when it rains the water easily enters the house through leaky tiles. Make sure your house tile is safe so as not to disturb you while you are in the house in the rain.

We will provide tips for dealing with broken roof tiles:

1. Using a Leakproof Coating

This is an easy way to deal with broken roof tiles, maybe if the tile has been seen cracked or a little hole, immediately use a leak-proof coating, a leak-proof coating in the form of a liquid like wall paint. The way to use it is easy as we cheat on the walls of the house, if the tile has been given a leak-proof coating then wait until it dries and see the changes when it rains whether it is still leaking or not. If this method is not effective it can also be done in the following ways.

2. Change tile

This is the second way if the first method doesn't work yet. Maybe there are some tiles that are not suitable for use that can cause damage to the tile. Replace tiles of the same type with existing tiles so that they don't look different from other tiles or stripes.

3. Using a waterproof carpet

Using a waterproof carpet can not be seen in the long run because the waterproof carpet is not kyat in the summer. But this method can also be used for use.

4. Fix gutters and drainage

Some may not believe why gutters can cause leaks in roof tiles, because water can be stored in too much rain so that the gutters are unable to resist and cause leaks in the tiles. It could also be from the disposal of water, because the drainage pipe is very small so that there can be a buildup of water in the gutter.

5. Remodel the roof

This is the most effective way if the above method cannot be overcome. We need to know that improper house design can lead to leakage, its factors are inaccurate roof slope, roof shape that is not proportional, lack of water disposal, etc. that can make the tile leak.

So many articles that we can inform. May be useful


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