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5 Tips for Designing Tropical Houses

Indonesia has a warm tropical climate. Unlike countries in the north and south of the Equator with a four-season climate, countries with tropical climates only have two main seasons, rainy and dry. Therefore, since ancient times the ancestors of the Indonesian people have even designed traditional houses that are suitable for the tropical climate. The tropical climate has several special characters such as heavy rainfall, average temperatures throughout the year that are warm, and high humidity.

Until now, houses with tropical designs are still a trend that is worthy of being applied in Indonesia. There is a bit of a misguided mention that the tropical design is the same as a modern and minimalist design house. However, there are actually five things worth noting if you want to make a house with the right tropical design.

1. Pay attention to the volume of the roof of the house
The right tropical design house has a fairly large volume of roofs. Along with the existing trends, the roofs of today's homes tend to be flat so that the height of the ground floor can be optimal. However, there are several regional regulations that require a pyramid-shaped house roof, therefore the shape of the roof of the house can still be modified in such a way that it still looks modern.

2. Applying the concept of open space or open all
Don't worry if the architect submits an open space concept layout if you want a tropical home design. The concept of open space or many openings of space is indeed one of the important essences in tropical home design. The aim is to regulate air circulation so that the humidity in the house can be maintained in any season. Privacy issues, of course, architects and interior designers have their own solutions that will meet the needs of private residents.

3. The presence of air bags and natural ventilation
Air is indeed a major factor that is of concern to architects when designing tropical homes. One of them is by arranging space arrangement for space and voids that will flow air inside and outside the house. If you have a little more land for parks and swimming pools, the area can be used as an air bag that will blow into the house so that freshness still feels and has an impact on electricity savings.

4. Complete with water elements
The current architectural trend seems to be referring to all things that are tropical. This was marked by the play of cheerful pop colors to making plunge pools to swimming pools inside the house. If you don't have enough land, the water element can still be maintained by making a small pond inside the house that can be covered with glass floors and rely on dramatic lighting design.

5. Garden and plant arrangement
Tropical nuances in a house will be more felt with the right garden and plant arrangement. Even though you have limited land, decorating a house with plants can be done through the concept of a hanging garden or vertical garden. In addition, placing current plants that are trending such as monstera, jepun bali, anturium, to the succulent collection (mini cactus) can also add a warm tropical feel to every corner of the house.


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