Maybe all this time we prefer not to bother in the matter of calculating the roof area of ??the house by giving it to the architect or building consultant. In fact, hiring a consultant service only adds to the cost of building a house. Well, to be able to save money, we should calculate the house's own roof area. No need to be confused, here are ways to easily calculate the area of ??a house's roof: The first thing you need to pay attention to is the shape of the roof of the house. The shape of the house roof that is commonly used is limas, flat, or flat. How to calculate the roof area for each different roof shape. To find out the roof area is flat, you need to multiply the length by the width. For example, 7 meters long, 6 meters wide, the area is 42 square meters. If the shape is saddle or pyramid, then the calculation of the roof area = length x width divided by the cosine of the angle of the roof. For example, the roof width is 8 meters, the length is 10 meters and the inclination is 30 degrees, the roof area is = 8 x 10: cos 30 = 80: 0.5 = 40 square meters. Tricks on how to easily calculate the area of ??a house roof can be done by yourself when designing a house. Easy, right? You only need to measure the slope angle if you want to make a kind of pyramid or saddle. Good luck!
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