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Light Steel Roof Installation

It may be true if the lightweight steel frame is 100% ideal. But, provided all conditions are met. The use of lightweight steel as a roof frame structure of the house today is already widely used many people and housing developers. Not only middle to upper class developers, middle to lower class developers began to use this one material. The main reason for this is that the price of wood is soaring while the quality is declining. There are other factors that can affect the final result until the value does not reach 100% perfect. Even in the worst conditions, this lightweight steel frame fails to function and endangers the inhabitants of the house. So what things can reduce the quality of lightweight steel roof installation.
Frame Trouser Mount
Few skeletal mounts affect the performance of lightweight steel roofs. If the stand is tilted or unsuitable, the mild steel press strength will not be perfect and balanced. Gradually, this will affect the strength of the construction. If there is an imbalance, the possibility of collapsing is huge.
Incorrect Installation Ways
Because this is a skeletal system, so the installation is appropriate. A little mistake will make the skeletal system not working. If likened mild steel rangaka is like a broom stick. Objects can not stand alone. Installation should be supported by good load estimation and material quality. Framework mounting has a very important percentage of success and failure. If it's wrong, get ready for the collapsed frame. No matter it has been designed with the right frame, calculated carefully and using good quality materials. It will not be useful by incorrect installation.
The Installer is Not an Expert
Lightweight steel roof truss can not be installed by just anyone. Only experienced and trained people can do it. This is because the lightweight steel frame structure has been assumed and calculated in 3 dimensions into a single unit. If only one incorrect installation would weaken other structures. Installation must be done by an expert and certified person. If the installation is right, no need to worry about. Frame will strongly support the roof to function optimally.
Low Material Quality
Do not look cheap, but use a lightweight steel frame quality. Remember, lightweight steel frame position above our head. So, if you buy a low quality frame just the same you are challenging the danger. It is very easy to determine whether or not mild steel quality. If you do not want a headache just look at his brand and consult your home designer. The brands of big manufacturers with names, of course, are more reliable. You should also not mix some brands, including up to the bolts.
Overload Without a Plan
If you want to put heavy loads such as chandeliers, water heaters, water tendons, or anything to put and connect with the roof truss, it should be planned from scratch. otherwise, it is feared that it can not withstand heavy loads and cause the roof to collapse.
Rough During Installation of Roof
True if mild steel is anti-rust. With the condition of anti-rust coating is not lost. One that makes anti-rust peeling is during the installation of tiles, do not let a lot of impact and scratch between the tiles with mild steel. Because a bit more will remove the anti-rust layer is lost. Gradually, this rust will reduce the quality of mild steel.
Location Affects Quality
The location greatly affects the quality of mild steel.people in mountainous areas tend to be a bit of a problem when compared to people who wear mild steel in coastal areas. This is related to corrosion caused by seawater, if it is assumed, mild steel in the mountain area can be 20 years old while in the coastal area only lasted 10 years.