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Problem-Free Homes in the Rainy Season
masalah atapMost of the regions in Indonesia have entered the rainy season. Even in some areas, the rain was also accompanied by strong winds and brought home victims collapsed and casualties. This time Rainbow will share tips on how to solve the problem of the house during the rainy season. Because not only health problems with flu epidemics, colds, dengue fever, diarrhea, and others are a problem, but the impact of rain on the house also becomes a complicated issue. Has your house been free of problems in this rainy season? Let's see together.
Roof Home Issues
A good roof building should be built from the start. The draft design should think about how to deal with the rainy season. Because the leak on the roof of the house, is the case most often found in homes during the rainy season. But what about the roof of a house that has already built what it is at this time? Suggested solution, once every three months do regular checks on the roof of the house. Are there any cracks, should the old tile be replaced, do the wood on the roof (batten and usuk) begin to rot. Note also the ridge area (wuwung-Java) because the cement plaster on the part began to crack and water can be penetrated.
If there is a hair crack, apply wire netting and coat it with waterproof. But for the big cracks need to be patched and plastered again. And if possible recommended using aluminum foil (1-2 mm) as a coating between the ceiling and tile. Aluminum foil that serves to reduce heat absorption, avoid tampias if there are imperfections on the installation of tile, so that water coming from the tile will go down to the plank and not to get into the house.
While the ceiling is left damp due to seepage of water, for long can be rot and ambrol. So in addition to damaging the aesthetics (beauty) is also dangerous and the cost of repair becomes more expensive. If the roof of the house using asbestos, then the installation of nails should be coated rubber bolts, then diplingkut in the area pakunya and then drilled so that when the rain water does not seep through the nail hole.
Wall Problems
In the rainy season the walls of the house usually become moist. May also get seepage from the roof of the house. But if the roof of the house is no problem, then most likely the rain water will not penetrate. On the outdoor wall (outer wall) should be coated with weathershield as a protective against the fungus so that the wall is not stained black. But if already moldy, then the wall needs to be scraped first, then painted again and given waterproof. Cracked walls should be patched or re-plastered with waterproof seams.
Sometimes the outer walls use natural stone. If so then it needs extra attention, because natural stone has a higher risk of mossy and moldy than painted walls. The solution, seal natural stone with varnish and precoat every 6 months for the condition is always awake. If mossy or moldy, it must be scraped with grinding and this can damage the texture of the stone.
Floors & Outdoor Lights
The floor inside the house should be higher than the terrace floor. Then it should not use indoor flooring material for outdoor space. And the rain water show that fell to the terrace floor can be overcome by making overstek. In order for rain water to not enter the house during the rainy season, the level of home height should be higher than the street level. When this rainy season, outdoor lights also need to be considered. Check and make sure that the cable remains neatly wrapped. Because if there is a blister or chipped cable, let alone naked, will be very dangerous. For garden lights or outside the house is recommended to use DC flow, to be more secure because it does not deliver electricity.
Riol & Septic Tanks
In the environmental section around the house, should also be done cleaning the ditches and water channels from the house on a regular basis, and make sure not clogged by the dirt and garbage and stagnant. The home sewer line leading into the trench should be made with sufficient resemblance, to prevent waterlogging (bagging). Install the wire netting in the mouth of the rod to prevent the entry of rats, because this animal can also install a gutter.
To avoid the stagnant drainage in the bathroom and WC, for areas with high soil moisture content should make the space seepage of water (septick tank) is greater. Better still, if the land where he lives is high because the water can directly seep into the ground. But if in the soil including flood areas and soil moisture content is also high, it should be made more than one seepage area as deep as 3-4 meters.


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