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The Beginning Step While Facing Leaky Roof
atap bocorAt a time when the rainy season arrives, one of the problems often faced by residential owners is the leaking roof constraints. There are many things that could be the cause of roof leaks, ranging from tiles that are not in position, or there are holes in the area of ??the ceiling.
If you are experiencing a classic problem that often arises in this rainy season and you can not call a roofman directly, then there are some things that can be done as a first handling to deal with roof leaks, and prevent it from causing more damage.
Accommodating Water
Hollow roof will certainly make the rain water into and drip down. In order for water droplets not to seep and flood the room, place the bucket or container of water under the leaking area.
Covering Furniture
Some types of furniture are not so good with water. If water droplets from a leaky roof are near the location of furniture, then what can be done to secure furniture is to move it. But if it is not possible to move, you can cover the furniture with plastic.
Marking the Leaked Part
If the rain has subsided and the weather improves, you can check the affected part of the leak, as there are water stains or there is a change of color on the ceiling by using chalk. This is to facilitate you when going to make improvements later.
Looking for Leakage Origin
It would not hurt to check for yourself the leaking roof before the builders arrived. Using a flashlight, you can climb into the attic or roof to find out and mark the source of the leak. But remember, do this in the daytime and with caution.
Not Trying to Fix It Yourself
Sometimes some people choose to fix their own roof to save money. But you need to know that this is not an easy thing to do and also quite dangerous. If not done properly it can create a source of more leakage and the risk of accidents is high. Therefore you should ask someone skilled to do so and do not try to fix it yourself.


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