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Feng Shui Fence and House Roof
fengshuiSo far we have discussed external exterior factors that could affect the Feng Shui home building. From now on we discuss the factors in Feng Shui exterior. Factors in the Feng Shui exterior are the factors that can be controlled and this can be fixed to fit the concept of Feng Shui is good.
One of the most important factors in Feng Shui exterior is the fence and roof of the house. Why? Because the fence and roof of the house have a function as a guard and protector of all the negative energy from the outside and serves as the dividing line of the house from the outside world, and can withstand negative Qi energy when entering into our homes. For example, if your house faces a T-junction or commonly called a skewer, or there may be a power pole in front of your house, and a sharp corner of the roof of your neighbor's front roof, this problem can be overcome by the presence of a massive wall in front of the door your main. However, there are some form of fence and roof of the house that even cause problems to the inhabitants.
Cases that are often encountered are broken or damaged walls. There are some models in which the shape of the wall is designed like a crack or has a hole for the purpose of architectural aesthetics. In the science of Feng Shui, cracks in the walls can cause a vent and this makes the house often hit by wind and automatically causes a good loss of Qi energy. A house like this is a house that has brick walls and is damaged after decades of inhabited without any repairs. In addition, the gate of the wall that overlooks the pile of garbage in front of the gate is also less good in Feng Shui. Why? Because occupant health often encounters problems, as well as luck or family business will be hard to come. Improvement is to ask the parties concerned with this issue to move the position of garbage disposal.
Another case that often occurs, but unknowingly by the owner is the existence of drainage channels of rainwater made of iron bars just outside the fence. This could be one explanation why residents are not able to accumulate wealth or luck because of the positive Qi energy sucked into the channel. The solution to solve this problem is to replace this drainage channel with a concrete board. In closing this channel, you must be careful that the channel is not tightly closed because it can cause flooding when it rains. Another guide you need to consider when building a wall is not to build a wall with the same height as the height of the house. In security, the model house with a very high wall is more protect the privacy of residents from outside, but the energy Qi produced will also be depressed. And because the energy of Qi is depressed it will become stagnant, and result in the inhabitants can not develop in the progress of his life.
The same case also occurs, when the distance between the main door and the front wall of the house is too close. This will cause the energy of Qi to be trapped and unable to circulate freely. The inhabitants of this house will have difficulty in growing and developing or no progress in their life.
The last case that is often encountered in our society, is when inhabiting in a corner type house or commonly called a hook house. Generally, a corner house has 2 gates, which residents can enter from the front or from the side. The problem is that when the 2 gates have the same size width and the same magnitude Qi energy coming from the outside will split into 2 and can not be collected properly. In Feng Shui science, a house with 2 gates is called Fen Jia which means that the inhabitants of the house will be divided into 2 parts and can cause disharmony among the inhabitants of the house because it has unequal views or ideology in handling the problem. To solve this problem is make sure one of the gates has a larger size than the other gate.
Likewise with the damaged house. Homes like this will cause Qi's energy inside the home to be unstable and imply uncharted house occupants, and the lack of family integrity.
Many people do not realize that the leaked and broken roof is also a violation in Feng Shui. A leaky roof can imply the family is always in financial trouble. Why? Because the circulation of Qi energy in the house can not circulate perfectly. The solution is to fix the leaking roof in order to further improve the luck of the family.


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