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Advantages and Disadvantages of Houses According t
atap rumahIn the process of building or renovating the house, choosing the right roof shape is not as simple as people think in general. The roof not only serves as an important part of the house and protector for the whole house. The roof also plays an important role in displaying the appearance or style of architecture of a house. In other words, the roof also plays a role in shaping and improving the visual image of our homes. However, everything in this world has a good and bad side. Similarly, the roof of the house. Before deciding what roof shape is most appropriate for our small palace, it's worth listening to the following exposure.
1. Flat roof
With a flat roof shape, formed an empty space open on the roof that can be transformed into a roof terrace to relax, or an area for cultivation in pots. The air conditioner (AC) or solar panel can be installed easily and does not endanger the safety of the worker. Flat roof construction is easier to build than other types of roofs. In addition, the required materials are also less so that it can reduce development costs.
Low slope degrees, or almost none, cause flat roofs to leak. Therefore, flat roofs are less suitable for areas with high rainfall rates. Although flat roofs require less material, the costs incurred for maintenance or repairs may cost the homeowner in the long run.
2. Gable saddle
Due to the sloping roof shape on both sides, both rain and snow can slide down unhindered and puddles on the roof can be avoided. The typical gable roof structure forms an empty space under the roof. This empty space can be used for attic or bedroom. When viewed from within, the ceiling or ceiling look high. High ceilings will help smooth the air circulation, so the air temperature inside the house feels cool at all times.
Gable saddle less suitable for a house that is often buffeted by strong winds or whirls. If the rafters and roof battens are not supported by strong horses and gording, the roof may collapse. Strong winds can blow roof tile roof. Even a very strong whirlwind can suck the roof away from the whole wall.
3. The roof of gambrel
Just like a saddle roof, empty space under the roof can serve as an attic, bedroom, or other room. Gambrel roof construction is fairly simple, as it requires only two main roof beams supported by other roof structure joints. The unique shape of the roof of the gambrel will make the house the center of attention.
Like a saddle roof, the gambrel roof is not suitable for areas that are often hit by storms. Likewise in areas with heavy snow in winter or heavy rains in the rainy season. Making the structure of the roof of gambrel can not be done haphazardly, must be careful, and waterproof in the ridge. Gambrel roof requires regular maintenance to prevent leakage.
4. Roof shield
The roof of the shield is more stable than the saddle roof. The reason is, the structure of the shield roof is equipped with an inside which is also tilted on all four sides. This is what makes the roof shield more sturdy and durable. Shield roof is suitable for areas that are often hit by strong winds or heavy rains. The roof also forms an empty space beneath which can be utilized for attics or storage space.
The cost of building a shield roof is more expensive than a saddle roof. The design is more complex and requires more material.
5. Roof sandar (skillion roof)
Roof sandar is a type of roof that is easy to build. Compared to other types of roofs, roofs require less material. Whether rainwater or snow can glide smoothly on its sloping surface, this roof is suitable for shelter in snowy or high rainfall areas. The docking roof can also be applied for the purpose of enhancing architectural and aesthetic appeal.
If the degree of slope of the roof is too high, the ceiling of the house may become too low. Rooftop sand also is not suitable for areas that often experience strong winds.
6. Mansard roof
Mansard roofs allow homeowners to add rooms on the second floor as needed. When designing and building a house, the owners simply create a house with a simple mansard roof. Then when funds are sufficient or there are new family members, small rooms with windows on the roof can be built. The beautiful shape makes the mansard-roofed house the center of attention.
Mansard roof is not an ideal choice for occupancy in snowy areas. Due to the details it has, the mansard roof requires more cost. Mansard roof construction also requires special skills rarely owned by construction workers in Indonesia.


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